Rachel Stark @syntactics
Agents! It's been a loooong time since I've done an #MSWL on here, but what I'm acquiring has changed a lot since my last one, so I think it's about time to put a new one out there! Here we go . . . 1/?First off, I'm @DisneyBooks's resident graphic novel expert! We're looking to grow that list fast, so for the time being I am ONLY open to graphic novel submissions.
(Sorry, prose & picture book writers—but I'll see you with my IP pitches!) #MSWL 2/?
Literary Agent
I'm actively seeking to build my client list. I’m open to queries for mostly young adult, middle grade fiction and #graphicnovels. Check out my full #MSWL at SeraRivers.com #kidlit #amquerying #amwriting #YA #ownvoices serarivers.com/mswl
Literary Agent
Hiii Writers!!!❤️
@jl_herrington and I are officially open to Illustrators/Author-Illustrators for Picture Books and Graphic Novels! 🥳
For my #MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/anal…
For Jennifer’s #MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jenn…
We can’t wait to see you in our boxes!! 🥳❤️❤️
Assistant Editor
My #MSWL is live now! I exclusively look at GN submissions, and I'm glad I have an easy way to direct people to all the things I love :) manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/sami…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Been meaning to mention that I have an editor #MSWL page a la @ManuscriptWList.
#Writers: this may also be a helpful starting point to see what a #literaryagent is looking for in #submissions.
Literary Agent
No joke! I'm open to queries again!
Open until June 30! Updated #mswl here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/nata…
PB/CB/MG/YA/GN, fiction & nonfiction, and adult nonfiction
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kiara Valdez @dezinpub
Horror may not be my thing anymore, but I will still eat up unsettling lite-creepy stuff and moody/melancholy folklore. 👏🏾 xxxHolic is reminding me of my love for this. (Also why I love Natsume Yuujinchou and Mushishi).#mswl Someone give me a xxxHolic-esque YA GN. And make it queer, don't tease and then break my heart like CLAMP did. Thanks.
Literary Agent
5: Author-illustrator graphic novels (in all age groups) and picture books. I could make a list a mile long of favourites, but think TEA DRAGONS, THIS ONE SUMMER, BE PREPARED, and anything by the Fan Brothers or Jessie Sima.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kait Feldmann @kaitfeldmann
Agents! My inbox awaits your submissions. I’m looking for commercial, goofy, magical, FUN books by BIPOC creators. I keep my website up to date so you can always check there for my latest cravings: kaitfeldmann.com/mswl And I’ll continue to add to this thread. #MSWLI acquire books that require art to tell the story. Board books, picture books, graphic novels, heavily HEAVILY illustrated chapter books. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
ISO editors are looking for young graphic novel early readers... #mswl