Little late to #MSWL today, but I'd love for some agents to send some illustrated, quirky, pop culture adult nonfiction or some lighthearted, contemporary MG & YA with some strong nerd culture flavor! (I've been itching for some cosplay/comic con/food competition stories.)
Literary Agent
Now for some nonfiction #mswl: cookbooks, food narrative/memoir, parenting, social issues, micro histories that bring an underrated event/person/movement to light.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'd love to see a contemporary MG or YA cooking competition like Iron Chef or even something with a little more quirk like Food Wars. #mswl
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix
But when agent screws up, authors sometimes have trust issues.I get it, totally. Please don't hesitate to query me & talk opwnly if you were recently impacted by 1 of these events where an agent didn't do their job according to industry standards.I would love to see your work. 2/#MSWL Adult and YA fantasy, sci fi, romance. Picture books featuring diversity, food, or fun word play. Middle grade based on unique mythologies, and always, diversity across all spectrums including LGBTQ, authors/characters of color, and neurodiversity. Queryme.online/naomidavis
Literary Agent
#amquerying writers, I only have 3 queries left! Send more! I'm currently looking for adult mystery, romance (esp historical & diverse historical), women's fiction, and upmarket projects, as well as nonfiction on the topics of food, material culture, & social history. #mswl
Literary Agent
Your semi-regular reminder that I am always interested in stories about food, be they fiction or nonfiction. #MSWL
8 Food Books to Read This Summer 2018 | Bon Appetit bonappetit.com/story/8-non-co…
Literary Agent
Mental Floss @mental_floss
The Signature Food of Each State — bit.ly/1rm1lQp pic.twitter.com/NNJ4fCfsylWhen I couldn’t sleep last night, I spent 45 minutes thinking about this and reading comments. So who wants to send me their NF take on intersection of food, class, and culture? #MSWL
Literary Agent
A quick reminder that I am always open to projects like these! If you have a book about food, fiction or nonfiction, I want to see it. #mswl
Literary Agency
“I’d love a nonfiction project that tackles food or cooking from a non-status quo perspective. Prose over cookbook preferred!” @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/
Literary Agent
Plot points I'd love to see #MSWL -- trapped in the wilderness, mom/school/PTO type stories, set in Alaska, magical food & always #ownvoices #diversebooks
Literary Agent
In narrative nonfiction, I'd love to see more food-centered books, especially those exploring forgotten aspects of our food history or that look at the intersections of race, feminism, and food. Think THE COOKING GENE or WHAT SHE ATE.
Literary Agent
Amanda Jain @wensday95
Who's up for some Friday afternoon #mswl tweets? Here are some specific things I'll be looking for at BookEnds!As a general reminder, I rep adult romance, mystery, women's, and upmarket fiction, and have a deep and abiding love for historical fiction across all genres. I also rep narrative nonfiction, especially on topics like the literary world, food, material culture, & social history.