P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Unique, genre-blending romance novels. For example, The Plus One by Sarah Archer or any of Roselle Lim’s romantic contemporary fantasy novels. Give me an adult rom-com in space, or with magic. Let’s get weird and swoony.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Lisa Green
She/Her Editor for the Mystic Owl line & City Owl Press. Adult only F/SF R querymanager.com/query/lisagree…
17 Tips

New #MSWL item: A prolific Novella series (25-50K words) that is super spicy and falls into the sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal/UF categories. One idea? Superheroes and villains.

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips
Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
148 MSWL
17 Tips

MG Genres I’m looking for: fantasy, contemporary, mystery, historical, horror, light/near-future sci-fi

YA: fantasy, contemporary, mystery, historical, horror, light sci-fi, romcom

Adult: light SFF, upmarket, horror, romcom

Laura Bennett
Literary Agent
SFF Agent @LiverpoolLit . Queries closed | TTRPG, board game & video game geek. | Ex-teacher. | Toddler & Bengal cat mum. | She/her. | IndieInk judge. | 🏳️‍🌈
Lina Langlee
Literary Agent
Literary agent with @northlitagency . Graceless in the face of free food. Often forgets what goes on in DMs. she/her
28 AskAgent

For the UK #amquerying crowd: NOW would be a very good time to send me fun contemporary MG, magical realism MG, YA romance, YA horror or other YA/crossover SFF.

Tasneem Motala
Literary Agent
assistant agent at @TRFNews who's a bit too obsessed with chai lattes and final fantasy

some video game comps i would LOVE to see include
- final fantasy (especially XII, the aesthetic of kingdoms and sky pirates and a partnership like balthier and fran's? swoon)
- assassin's creed, where the past and present have intertwining plots that are relevant to each other

Tasneem Motala
Literary Agent
assistant agent at @TRFNews who's a bit too obsessed with chai lattes and final fantasy

if there are any bipoc writers can comp their novel to a final fantasy game, i'm in. please query me. like, just so everyone is aware.
and with that, I will start a new #MSWL thread!

Tara Gilbert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @ktliterary | 🌈she/them | ✨magical | opinions my own | Gemini ☼ Pisces ☽ Capricorn ↑
245 MSWL
46 AskAgent
25 Tips
Nadia El-Fassi
SFF Commissioning Editor @orbitbooks . Fantasy and rom-com author. Powerlifter. MA in Poetry. Muslim. Bi 🏳️‍🌈. She/they. Views my own. 🇲🇦/ 🇦🇺

Someone please give me a Pre-Raphaelite inspired fantasy. The yearning, the drama, unparalleled. #MSWL

Rachelle Gardner
Literary Agent
I'm a literary agent, book editor, and publishing coach. I love books, writers, and publishers - and talking incessantly about them!

Querying authors, we're looking for Christian #YA / #YAFantasy, including fairytale retellings w/ a unique approach. Must be tailored for the Christian market and you need a strong platform. No DMs. See submission guidelines: rachellegardner.com/submissions #MSWL #InspyBooks #ChristFic

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I read widely in YA, and enjoy just about every genre in it. I love moving contemporary reads, thrilling sci-fi, and lush fantasy.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Lisa Green
She/Her Editor for the Mystic Owl line & City Owl Press. Adult only F/SF R querymanager.com/query/lisagree…
17 Tips

#MSWL time! I REALLY want something for Mystic Owl. Which means: 75K or under, HOT adult PNR or UF romance or Sci-fi romance. Heavy on the romance in any sub-genre of Fantasy, but with action as well. I love at least a touch of humor, especially dark. @ me w/any questions!

Cheyenne Faircloth
Literary Agent
assoc. agent @handspunlit . she/her/hers; MSWL link in bio!

hi! i had to stay on theme and make my announcement in fairy wings and butterflies that my #mswl is now in my bio🦋 ✨ I’m so excited to see all ur queer fantasy books, and all the gothic, weird romance stories y’all have in store!!

Elana Roth Parker
Literary Agent
Kidlit agent w/ @LDLiterary . @aalitagents communications committee. Avid quilter. Still not Elena. Open to queries. She/her.
103 MSWL
3 AskAgent
196 Tips

- I like zany humor and mad-cap adventures. (See TIME VILLAINS and 7TH GRADE V. GALAXY on my list.)
- Epic fantasy is great—but the more original the world the better.
- A sense of FUN and POSSIBILITY and MAGIC (doesn't have to be literal magic, but it doesn't hurt).

Rachelle Gardner
Literary Agent
I'm a literary agent, book editor, and publishing coach. I love books, writers, and publishers - and talking incessantly about them!

Querying authors, we're looking for #YA and #YAFantasy, including fairytale retellings w/ a unique approach. Must be tailored for the Christian market and you need a strong platform. No DMs. See submission guidelines here: rachellegardner.com/submissions #MSWL #InspyBooks #ChristFic

Alexandra Weiss
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Azantian Literary. Book lover, space enthusiast, dream chaser. (Closed to queries!) She/her. 💖💜💙 Profile pic: @KaneIcarusLynch
2 Tips

For MG, I would love to see contemporary stories like FROM THE DESK OF ZOE WASHINGTON, STARFISH, and VIOLETS ARE BLUE. I’d also love to see more light fantasy projects inspired by non-western mythology! #MSWL

Rebecca Podos
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at the Rees Literary Agency. Lambda Award-winning author, sometimes. FROM DUST, A FLAME out now, AT MIDNIGHT up next. Rep @ericsmithrocks She/they
128 MSWL

Throwing it out there that I am *really* hoping to see some queer Adult romances with fantasy elements/ queer fantasies with a strong romantic element in my query inbox✨ #MSWL

Justin Nash
Literary Agent
Managing Director @KNLitAgency . Literary agent & history geek. Emotional depth, clever ideas & immersive worlds are my thing. Current wants in the pinned tweet.
1 AskAgent

I am looking for thrillers and crime fiction of all types; book club and historical fiction that moves me and makes me think (including novels featuring fantasy/mythology). In non-fiction, books which open up the conversation and take me on a journey. #mswl

Lisa Green
She/Her Editor for the Mystic Owl line & City Owl Press. Adult only F/SF R querymanager.com/query/lisagree…
17 Tips

I'm looking for a sizzling hot UF or paranormal that's 75K or under. Bonus points if it has two or more types of paranormals. If you have one, please send it my way! #MSWL