Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#mswl: a contemporary YA novel in which a teen doesn't speak the same language as his/her parents. also, definitely #ownvoices.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary, your pretty-much-any-genre in YA." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Still looking for more #diversebooks in my adult fiction subs! Pleeeeease send! Contemporary romance. Suspense/thrillers. #mswl
Literary Agency
"Contemporary Romance series (like Rachel Gibson and Kristan Higgins)" @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
Gemma Cooper @gemma_cooper
TBA monthly wishlist for January, featuring @jennybent @susanhawk @mollykh @torilowes @beth_phelan…Holy crap I hope someone has this #mswl for @torilowes because that sounds amazing!…
Literary Agent
beth phelan @beth_phelan
Dunno, but I'd really love a hot contemporary romance about women (and men, I guess) who brew their own beer. #mswlOooooh, ME TOO. Where is my contemporary romance novel version of the movie DRINKING BUDDIES? #mswl…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
What I want to read now: contemp romance, romantic suspense, thrillers, contemp fantasy. #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Want to know what's on our #mswl for 2016? Check out what all the agents are looking for:…