Literary Agent
Sarah Guan @🏡 @Sarah_Guan
Somebody write this queer Asian romcom. PLEASE. I don’t even want to edit it (unless it has speculative elements); I just want to pour this novel directly into my eyeballs multiple times. twitter.com/huaslians/stat…I would read the hell out of this. ❤️😭❤️ a total #MSWL ❤️
Literary Agency
"Rom-com where the protagonist works in a biobank/fertility clinic." @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/
sqq’s 🍑 @huaslians
OH MY GOD????????? pic.twitter.com/QqzUzsD6aDSomebody write this queer Asian romcom. PLEASE. I don’t even want to edit it (unless it has speculative elements); I just want to pour this novel directly into my eyeballs multiple times.
Literary Agent
🧼 Lauren Spieller 🖐 @laurenspieller
Current #MSWL wishlist:❤️ YA/Adult Rom Com— high concept and swoony
✨ Magical stories with fun, pacey plots - MG/YA/Adult
If your project doesn’t fall under these two categories but it is still uplifting and joyful, I’d love to see it!
Me but keep it kidlit. #MSWL.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
House-bound #MSWL I’m looking for the next big YA or adult rom-com with a unique, compelling premise and #diverse characters #OwnVoices #MSWL #makemecry
Literary Agent
I'd also love some comedy-horror in middle-grade. I don't know what that looks like, but I do know I love ghosts and zombies.
Literary Agent
On the subject of middle-grade, I'm still not seeing enough comedy by women. I continue to wax about it, but @sharnajackson's HIGH RISE MYSTERY is the perfect example of a funny, clever adventure with all the life and representation that I'm looking for.
Literary Agent
I would so love for these stories to be funny, silly, celebratory - in all possible genres (but especially comedy or horror, FYI) and up and down the age-ranges, but especially middle-grade.
Literary Agent
#MSWL. Please send me some light, fun reading! Romantic comedies & uplifting women's fiction. Historical fiction set in glamorous locales and a glamorized past like THE GIRL IN WHITE GLOVES or AND THEY CALLED IT CAMELOT.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Updated my #MSWL. For #fiction I would love the next Something in the Water/Catherine Steadman or The Whisper Man/Alex North. Romantic suspense, romcoms, & juicy and/or heartfelt fiction a la Elizabeth Strout or Liane Moriarty. I like to laugh and cry. bit.ly/2Tztzdu