Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

And my last nonfic #MSWL item: vegan cooking. Something with an unusual theme. Nothing boring!

Jen Linnan
Literary Agent
Linnan Literary Management LLC // still technically a shark // avatar by Zac Gorman

A YA protagonist - maybe even a Chosen One! - unpacking their privilege / flaws (See: @LindsayRibar's ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES). #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

I really want to see your nonfic book proposal about witchcraft/magic/tarot/crystals/astrology/etc. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

I would love to see more nonfic for children! Either the middle grade or young adult crowd. #MSWL

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

#MSWL upbeat #WF. Would love something that dealt w/ family secrets & dynamics

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips

What SWEETBITTER did for Union Sq. Cafe, but for hotels? Disney? A cruise ship? #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

Let's start with nonfiction. I love nonfic. Especially if it's geeky or feministy. (I'm making up words & I don't even care.) #MSWL

Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips

What if someone in your family was famous? #mswl

Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips
Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips

I'm feeling very into talky commercial fiction, that's not into "women's issues," but is about women. Know what I'm sayin'? #MSWL

Elaine Spencer
Literary Agent
Literary Agent w/@knightagency.
7 Tips

Southern flair. The real kind. Grits. PBR. "Bless her heart". Tailgating. Talking to strangers in the grocery line. Front porch gossip #mswl

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
32 AskAgent
55 Tips

#MSWL a YA adaptation of Sufjan Stevens' "Casimir Pulaski Day"

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips

A reverse coming-out story (straight teen in a queer community comes to grips w/ privilege/being othered) #MSWL Note: this is my white whale

Caitie Flum
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Liza Dawson Associates. Thoughts are my own. Huge nerd, musical theater lover
49 AskAgent
62 Queries
27 Tips

Women's fiction about millennials (especially intersectional). I loved the Assistants and would love to see more like that. #MSWL

Erik Hane
Literary Agent
Founder and Agent, @HeadwaterLit @printrunpodcast with @lzats tennis writing at he/him
24 AskAgent
9 Queries
15 Tips

Erik ☃️ Hane @erikhane

Mysticism, superstition, ritual, the Saints: Catholicism has some really interesting stuff in its past/present #MSWL
Replying to @erikhane

I (of course) loved A BRIEF HISTORY OF SEVEN KILLINGS and CITY ON FIRE. I'm not scared of your giant, expansive, ambitious lit. novel! #MSWL

Alex Slater
Literary Agent
Literary agent @GreenburgerLit @GreenburgerKids . Black Lives Matter. he/him.
130 MSWL
32 AskAgent
55 Tips

#MSWL a YA adaptation of Antony & the Johnsons "For Today I Am A Boy"

Erik Hane
Literary Agent
Founder and Agent, @HeadwaterLit @printrunpodcast with @lzats tennis writing at he/him
24 AskAgent
9 Queries
15 Tips
Michelle Witte
Literary Agent
Publishing professional and mental health advocate. I write craptastic books. Some people think I'm funny. You should probably be worried about those people.
171 MSWL
18 Tips