P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"A modern-day Sweet Valley twins series, ideally featuring friends instead of siblings." @MsMariaVicente #MSWL bit.ly/1n46gqe

Noah Ballard
Literary Agent
Literary agent @vervetla , co-host of @BeReelPod on @ThePlaylist . He/him. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer.
5 Tips

#mswl a non-comedy set at a California weed dispensary.

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

Further to that last #mswl tweet, I'm not looking for campy here. No rampaging zombies or sea serpents.

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

Genre + period mashup w/ edge of psych thriller. Austen meets Gone Girl or Middlemarch meets Hogan’s A Pleasure and a Calling. #mswl 7/7

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

A mod and quirky take on the small English village murder mystery. All the tropes of Christie et al, but very mod and very quirky. #mswl 6/7

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

Mystery stand alone or series where the setting lends so much atmosphere that it is almost another character in the story. #mswl 5/7

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

Pop hist or narrative NF on social hist, archaeology, art hist, material culture. Think The Bronte Cabinet or Lives in Ruins. #mswl 4/7

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

Hist / travel mashups like Tony Horwitz or Buck’s The Oregon Trail. Bonus pts if it has a lit connection such as The Wilder Life. #mswl 3/7

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

A YA take on Outlander. One that really puts me in the setting and gives me all of the feels. #mswl 2/7

Jessica Sinsheimer
Literary Agent
Ravenous reader, lazy gourmet, literary agent + cheese-obsessed human. Co-creator of #MSWL , Manuscript Wish List® + ManuscriptAcademy.com. ☕📚She/her.
118 MSWL
12 Queries
10 Tips

I'm especially interested in protagonists with Autism. Send me your books! #MSWL

Jessica Sinsheimer
Literary Agent
Ravenous reader, lazy gourmet, literary agent + cheese-obsessed human. Co-creator of #MSWL , Manuscript Wish List® + ManuscriptAcademy.com. ☕📚She/her.
118 MSWL
12 Queries
10 Tips

I love books with teachers (and professors) as characters. #MSWL

Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency . Opinions are my own. (he/him)
2 AskAgent
477 Tips

I've been in a big THE SEVENTH SEAL mood. Give me something in that vein. #MSWL #PlagueFriendly

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Retellings of fairy-tales & myths, w/ a twist. Different ending? Gender swapped? You tell me! @kurestinarmada #MSWL bit.ly/1aqPTe4

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm! petejknapp.com
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Today is Friday, which is as good a time as any to remind the world: I WANT YOUR MIDDLE GRADE queries. #mswl #pleaseandthankyou

Laura Zats
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent @HeadwaterLit . Host of the award-winning @printrunpodcast . Publishers Weekly industry MVP. She/her & Ms/Mx. Open to queries!
213 MSWL
176 AskAgent
3124 Queries
162 Tips
Katie Grimm
Literary Agent
literary agent, garrulous book collector, bon vivant. she/her

I finally updated my #mswl profile, yay for new website! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kati…

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Non-fic like Jim Collins GOOD TO GREAT, Susan Cain's QUIET & Charles Duhigg's THE POWER OF HABIT" @curtisPSLA #MSWL bit.ly/1aqPTe4

Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at QueryManager.com/AJain. Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

Officially open to queries, so send me your lovelies. A more detailed #mswl for you next week, but here's a start:


Lisa Rodgers
Literary Agent
Knitter, dancer, gamer, NorCal native, word whore, ruiner of dreams. Literary agent with @awfulagent . Opinions are my own. (She/her)
3 Queries
22 Tips

I'd love to see something that builds suspense and horror like Sheri S. Tepper's GRASS. #mswl

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips