Literary Agency
"Fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary, your pretty-much-any-genre in YA." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
I'll drop by #PitchMatch, #MSWL, #PBPitch later today (crap, I really am up late) but it'll be sporadic. 'Night. *passes out on keyboard*
Literary Agent
In the meantime, stop by my personal website to see some rather detailed notes on the kinds of books I like:… #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
As always, I'm dying for lush magical realism—#MG & #YA. If you're not familiar w/the (very specific) subgenre… #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL I have some great author illustrators, but I'm always looking for more. Because I'm greedy. #AllTheIllustrators #mine
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Juli Caveny @julicaveny
@michellewitte Gosh.... Will you still want this in a few months? Working on revisions of a YA/HF with a strong dose of feminism and family..@Cavewooman I ALWAYS want stories about siblings and families. YA books can have teens living in functional, loving families. Really. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Am reading @LaurenDeStefano's CURIOUS TALE OF THE IN-BETWEEN. It's everything I want in #MG and more—luscious prose, creepy atmosphere #MSWL
Literary Agent
Calvin and Hobbes @Calvinn_Hobbes
What I need to get me through the rest of this week. I would kill for a #MG book or graphic novel w/kid like Calvin. Dark, morbid humor is my kryptonite. #MSWL…