Liv Ivanov
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at CMA particularly interested in SFF, Mysteries, and Thrillers (Adult atm, MG and YA in the future) | she/her | IG: @livivanov

As someone who has been watching a lot of Doctor Who lately, I would LOVE to see some space-based horror and cosmic horror in my inbox!

Also would love anything akin to Project Hail Mary and Saturn Run 🚀


Brent Taylor
Literary Agent
Literary agent, military spouse, Kentucky boy, #1 fan of sweet potato fries.
36 AskAgent
13 Tips

Another dream book for me would be something similar to YELLOWJACKETS. That show rocked my world. #MSWL

Brent Taylor
Literary Agent
Literary agent, military spouse, Kentucky boy, #1 fan of sweet potato fries.
36 AskAgent
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I’m the biggest Libba Bray fan! I would love to see YA manuscripts in my inbox that felt similar to her books - like Going Bovine, Beauty Queens, the Diviners. #MSWL

Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
25 Tips

I don't yet know when I'll be able to reopen, but I am very much hoping it will be soon!

Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
25 Tips

I'm NOT interested in didactic, lesson-forward books. I love a meaty takeaway, but I'm not interested in that being The Point™️

Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
25 Tips

All the cozy fantasy. Grounded speculative as well.

Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
25 Tips

Something that keeps rattling around the back of my brain for picture books is the idea that there are consequences for our actions (good and bad). Apparently a lot of people missed this memo, but I think it's one worth hammering home 🙃

Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
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Joy! Coziness! Adventure! Fun!

Some of the best books I've read recently have involved a cozy setting and high-stakes interpersonal conflict.

Alexandra Levick
Literary Agent
Literary Agent & Media Rights Manager at Writers House, LLC. I believe in books. Always learning. Opinions are my own. She/Her.
52 AskAgent
25 Tips

I'm still sick with the flu (also currently closed to queries) but I can't miss #MSWL Day !

I represent picture book (illustrator and author-illustrator only), middle grade, young adult, and adult creators.

A jumbled #MSWL for when I open back up to queries:

Stuti Telidevara
Literary Agent
she/her // @ParkandFine // former: @RavenLiterary @orbitbooks @TransLitAgency // opinions own

Happy #MSWL day! Here’s more about what I’m looking for right now. Excited to read more excellent books ❣️

Amy Nielsen
Literary Agent

Hey #MSWL and #writingcommunity ! I'm so excited to be here! I'm not open at this time, but should open again soon. I'll be looking for YA and Adult Thrillers in the sub genres of domestic, psychological, and suspense under 90K words! Follow me to know when I open. Feel free to ask questions! :)

Laurie Dennison
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent and Intern Coordinator @ Creative Media Agency | Desktop Publishing Consultant | She/her

My full wish list, QM link, and upcoming events are all listed on my website at Thanks to for all of the hard work to bring #MSWL over here!

Laurie Dennison
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent and Intern Coordinator @ Creative Media Agency | Desktop Publishing Consultant | She/her

In nonfiction #MSWL I'd really love to find an expert in a field with a strong existing platform and a big idea - pop culture, pop science, social science, women's issues, memoir, etc.

Laurie Dennison
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent and Intern Coordinator @ Creative Media Agency | Desktop Publishing Consultant | She/her

Another big #MSWL would be a fresh, twisty, tightly paced psychological suspense with smart, strong female characters - I'm open to contemporary or light speculative in this genre.

Laurie Dennison
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent and Intern Coordinator @ Creative Media Agency | Desktop Publishing Consultant | She/her

For #MSWL day, I'm adding a few specifics to my usual wish list. Right now I'm really looking for something to sweep me away and make me forget about what's going on in the world for a few hours. Something hopeful, nuanced, and immersive, with strong female characters in book club or romance.

Mike Whatnall
Literary Agent
Literary agent and film rights coordinator @DGandBtweets . Irrepressible book enthusiast. they/them, sal: Mx.

I'd love to find more layered, contemporary middle grade projects--especially stories that highlight an experience we don't often see on the page, and that have a unique story hook. #MSWL

Bonnie Swanson
Literary Agent
Lit agent at @Tpurcellagency she/her I also write PB for littles & YA romance w/a magical twist! **CLOSED TO QUERIES!**
2 AskAgent

Late to the #MSWL party but all of you querying authors out there, I'm looking for something in the #Adult #nonfiction genre. Specifically, I want to laugh. So if you have any humor-based proposals out there, I'd like to see them! I will open my QM link from 2/13-2/17 ONLY, so be quick. :)

Rach Crawford
Literary Agent
Australian literary agent at NYC's Wolf Lit.

Happy #MSWL day! Here's my recently-updated, quite specific wishlist:

& one more for good luck: I am hankering for a horror novel about the whole tradwife scene. DON'T WORRY DARLING / THE STEPFORD WIVES on the internet ..

Can't wait to get your queries!

Claire Harris
Literary Agent
thriller fanatic, rom com addict, acquiring literary agent @psliterary - she/her
24 AskAgent

Across all genres, I'm always look for:
-LGBTQIA+ authors
-diverse stories
-marginalized voices
-compelling writing
-dynamic characters
-subverting well-known tropes
-unexpected endings
-books with big emotions
-settings in the Midwest/South


Claire Harris
Literary Agent
thriller fanatic, rom com addict, acquiring literary agent @psliterary - she/her
24 AskAgent

Other thrillers I love:
Emily the Criminal
A Haunting in Venice
Luckiest Girl Alive
Hit Man
The Weekend Away
Leave the World Behind

^^if these are your comps, try me! #MSWL