Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
“Calling all writers specializing in laughter and love! I’m now officially accepting submissions for adult rom coms. My sweet spot is big on the com, light to medium on the rom.” @claire_m_harris #MSWL
Literary Agent
Also #amquerying really looking for *grounded* SF&F right now—MG, YA, A.
✨Usually not the right match for high fantasy.
✨Love to be based in myth/folklore/etc.
✨Love to be grounded with a clear emotional arc.
✨My tastes tend quite literary for Adult.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'd really like to see more contemporary MG and YA as well as adult thrillers and domestic suspense in my box. Please query me here:…. #MSWL #WritingCommunity #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If I missed your #PitMad pitch, send query & 1st 5 pages to:… #A: horror, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. #YA: thriller, horror, SFF, mystery, & cont. #MG: SFF, mystery, cont., & horror. #PB #ownvoices #diversity #MSWL #BVM #OwnVoices
Literary Agent
I'd love to see some more #adult projects in my inbox. #speculative, #contemporary, #historical, #romcom--I'm open to almost ANYTHING, but looking for a great hook & great voice. Something that I'll have hard time putting down #mswl #a (still also looking for #MG & #YA)
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
CrimeReads @CrimeReads
Creepy houses are here to stay!…I am obsessed with houses born bad. I'd love to see more ghost stories (MG and adult) with a house as a major character! #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Alexandra Sehulster @ASehulster
I've spent the last month formulating my 2021 #MSWL (agented). I look forward to reading the great projects that this year brings! 1/7In Adult:
-a big, gorgeous love story that rips your heart out
-voice-driven fiction for millennials and Gen Z that encompasses the social, romantic, and professional dynamics of the generation, preferrably with a light touch or dash of humor #MSWL 2/7
Literary Agency
“Send me all your ghost stories. I'll take adult fiction (scary or fun), a history of haunted places in America, an illustrated book-- you name it, I'm here for it.” @claire_m_harris #MSWL
Literary Agent
Ernie Chiara @erniechiara
Okay, it's Saturday night and I'm feeling like there's no better time to drop these here. They're in no order whatsoever. I just kept writing things down. Here goes... #MSWL #A #F #SF #MRJust updated my #MSWL page to include everything I listed in this thread. You can check them all out in one place at