Julie Gwinn
Literary Agent
Love all things books, diy, creating, sports, pets, outdoors. Wife, mom, book agent, southern transplant. she/her
2 Tips

Query tip: research. You have the best shot of finding the right agent if you check out their #mswl before querying. Here's mine: adult or YA fiction or non, for fiction specifically rom com, hist, mystery, true crime, spec. Love strong female leads, diverse voices.

MJ Johnston
Editor at Sourcebooks. Adult Fiction. Can be frequently heard saying "yes, I read books for a living" and "yes, I know guac is extra.” (she/her) 📚🎨

✨Pinning my updated #MSWL! Agents, I’m looking for all the adult fic/nonfic ✨


Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

I open to queries on MONDAY! Here is my current #MSWL.
Adult scifi, fantasy, horror (pref w/speculative elements)
YA Contemporary, scifi, fantasy
I am temporarily CLOSED to adult romance, and PB&MG.

The details (thread):

Bibi Lewis
Literary Agent
Agent at the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. Lifelong New Yorker and forever bookworm. she/her
10 Tips

Also on the adult end I would love to find commercial and upmarket friendship focused stories that really show the complexities of modern female friendship--good bad ugly and everything in between #mswl

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

Here's my current #MSWL:

In adult fiction: thrillers, horror, psychological suspense, contemporary romance, romantic comedy, and mysteries (traditional, amateur sleuth, and cozy).

1/3 #WritingCommunity #amquerying

Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
3 AskAgent
29 Tips

#MSWL I’m really eager to see adult contemporary upmarket fiction about coming into your queer identity. Think bookclub-with-a-twist

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

✨New year, new possibilities✨ So excited to be OPEN to queries once again! Looking to take on new #MG #YA & #A clients. #MSWL is here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kris… #querytip

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

I’m really hoping to add more adult authors to my list this year as well #MSWL

Kristin Temple
Associate EdiTOR @TorNightfire . Chaotic neutral, horror fan, Broadway lover, and "little bisexual gremlin". Opinions my own. she/her. 💖💜💙

Hello 2021! Starting off the year with a new pinned tweet. Things to note about me:

- agented subs only
- pls don’t pitch me on Twitter
- I’m open to adult & YA subs, but I have a preference for adult
- I almost exclusively edit horror

My #MSWL is here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kris…

Mara Delgado-Sánchez
Assistant Editor
🇵🇷 That witch from the Caribbean. Word wrangler @stmartinspress | @wednesdaybooks . Somewhere with the chupacabras. Opinions mine. (she/her)

For Adult, send me your romcoms or category romances! I’m also looking for big, juicy love stories. I live for the feels. I love women’s fiction on the light and fluffy side. Family stories, etc. Those are my kinds of stories #MSWL

Mara Delgado-Sánchez
Assistant Editor
🇵🇷 That witch from the Caribbean. Word wrangler @stmartinspress | @wednesdaybooks . Somewhere with the chupacabras. Opinions mine. (she/her)

I am actively looking for Latinx voices.

For YA, I would adore a fantasy (or all of them), magical realism and romcoms. I like the light and fluffy in contemporary.

For adult, historical romances, romcoms, WF focused on relationships and magical realism. Commercial fic #MSWL

Mara Delgado-Sánchez
Assistant Editor
🇵🇷 That witch from the Caribbean. Word wrangler @stmartinspress | @wednesdaybooks . Somewhere with the chupacabras. Opinions mine. (she/her)

As it’s 2021, here’s a new thread of my #MSWL! Of note:

- own voices and stories by marginalized voices are always welcome

- I do not accept pitches or subs on Twitter

- agented subs only

I’m looking to actively build my list, so please consider me! I do YA and Adult

Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
3 AskAgent
29 Tips

One BIG #MSWL of mine going into 2021 is fiction that straddles the line between literary and speculative. If you have an adult MS that straddles these genres, I’d love to see it when I reopen in January

Mary Altman
LGBTQIA+ geek, book nerd, and Sourcebooks editor. All opinions are my own. she/her

Speaking of being in the mind-space to read a lot: hey, spooky Twitter! Send me your novel-length subs! Full + synopsis + query to horror@sourcebooks.com. Adult and YA welcome. #MSWL

Carly Watters
Literary Agent
SVP & Senior Lit Agent @PSLiterary MA in Publishing Studies @CityUniLondon Co-host of @TSNOTYAW VP of Professional Assoc. of Canadian Literary Agents
153 MSWL
229 AskAgent
334 Tips

When our @PSLiterary query inbox opens again for the New Year please send me adult commercial/upmarket novels that are 70-85k. I would love some short and punchy novels. I don't want to read anything over 90k right now. My attention span (& the rest of the world) is SHORT. #mswl

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

In adult nonfiction, I'm still looking for untold histories, memoirs with a big hook especially if they are extreme sports or adventure stories, pop science,  cookbooks, & culinary histories. Again, send me your weirds.

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

Could you describe it as something like "upmarket fiction with a twist of weird"? That's my jam. Think NOTHING TO SEE HERE, CATHERINE HOUSE, THE AGE OF MIRACLES, THE RIVERMAN, THE STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL SORROWS OF AVA LAVENDER. Send me your weirds, please - MG, YA, adult!

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

When I reopen to queries in Jan., my wishlist is going to look different than it does now. In adult fic, I am really going to want to see upmarket fiction & book club fiction, literary fic, rom-coms, mystery, domestic & psychological thrillers, horror, & grounded speculative fic.

Rebecca Podos
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at the Rees Literary Agency. Lambda Award-winning author, sometimes. FROM DUST, A FLAME out now, AT MIDNIGHT up next. Rep @ericsmithrocks She/they
128 MSWL

Mystery, in certain subgenres! I saw an editor #MSWL asking for “fresh cozies for millennial readers,” which, yes please! As in YA, I'm absolutley looking for queer mysteries. Some dislikes: No young children in harm’s way/being secretly evil. No cop MC’s or love interests.

Rebecca Podos
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at the Rees Literary Agency. Lambda Award-winning author, sometimes. FROM DUST, A FLAME out now, AT MIDNIGHT up next. Rep @ericsmithrocks She/they
128 MSWL

I’ll to add to this that I’d *love* more adult romance and romcoms with non-binary MC’s and love interests, HUGE #MSWL