Literary Agent
I represent these genres but I am also not limited to these genres: Historical, Literary, Women’s Fiction, Southern Fiction, Sci-fi, Fantasy, YA, Adventure, Speculative, Inspirational, Thriller. brandyvallance.com / barbarabovaliteraryagency.com #mswl #amquerying


Literary Agent

Literary Agent
🚀 #MSWL : Seeking accessible sci-fi with a clever allegory on where we went/might go wrong as a species. Stories exploring AI’s societal impact & or new simulation theory, the future near or far/based in real science. Science thrillers too! #SciFiWriters #ManuscriptWishList

I’m looking for female-driven/LGBTQIA+/BIPOC-driven thrillers, especially if they’re messy, messy characters. I love a good ensemble cast and odd dynamics. Do you have a DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES / REAL HOUSEWIVES-esque thriller. #amquerying

Literary Agency
Friends, it's been a long time coming, but I can FINALLY announce that my MSWL is live and I'm officially open to queries.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I am so excited to announce that I am now at Spencerhill Associates! AND I am now open to queries! Head to the Spencerhill website to see what I'm looking for and get your queries in my QueryManager! So excited for this new adventure.

Literary Agent
Right now I'm very interested in:
- dark academia that emphasizes the academics
- eco/climate fiction
- thrillers that aren't centered on/launched by murder
- #ownvoices folklore from cultures that are underrepresented in the English market

Francesca Riccardi @friccar_
My current Wishlist:👩🏻⚖️ A contemporary novel centred around a courtroom drama
🔪 A female serial killer thriller with series potential
⚡️ High concept crime, historical, or bookclub with a strong feminist and/or speculative angle
Resharing my wishlist as I am actively looking for new clients 👇🏻 #mswl #amquerying #amwriting

Literary Agent
I'm open to SELECT queries in adult NF (trad pubbed or debut), YA & adult fiction by NY Times/USA Today bestselling authors (indie or trad), or trad pubbed w/ multiple books.
-YA contemporary
-YA romantasy
#WritingCommunity #MSWL

Literary Agent
You can find my bio and #MSWL on the ALA site: azantianlitagency.com/pages/team-ta.html
Or go to my page:

Literary Agent


Literary Agent
For fiction, I'm looking for authors who write thrillers, suspense, espionage, historical, literary, mystery and horror. Contact in bio. #MSWL #amquerying

Literary Agent
Hi, all! I’m open to queries again starting today! Here are some specifics about what I’m on the hunt for but you can read my longer wishlist (and access my query form!) here: corvisieroagency.com/alexandra-grana.html

Literary Agent
My MSWL can be found on, well, MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/zachary-honey/
In short: I'm still in the thriller game. Looking for rural set thrillers, mysteries, select horror and select historical fiction. Bring it on!