Literary Agency
"Thriller (legal, medical, political, etc.), Mystery (cozy, private eye, police procedural, etc.)" @CurtisPSLA #MSWL
Literary Agency
“Psychological thrillers with elements of horror (light on the gore).” @claire_m_harris #MSWL
Literary Agent
just a reminder I'm officially opening for queries tomorrow! mainly, I'm looking for sff/horror/mystery/thrillers across MG, YA, & adult, and some select GN and nonfiction. you can find my extended #mswl page below & I look forward to reading!…
#ThreeHills focuses on works set in NY State & esp those north of NYC. I'm interested in commercial fiction w/ literary crossover—literary fiction, sci-fi, mystery, & thriller. We do *not* publish romance, fantasy, YA, children’s lit, poetry, drama, or works in translation.
Literary Agent
Logan Harper @LoganRHarper
Will be participating in #PitDark today! If I like your pitch, please send your query letter, synopsis, and first three chapters to lharper(at)janerotrosen(dot)com.I am also open to queries! I’m particularly hungry for adult and literary horror, dark and twisty suspense, & social horror or thrillers with a speculative edge. Full #mswl at the link in my bio, and you can submit to me here:
Literary Agent
Also if you've written a YA Thriller or Horror, I'd love to see it. As well, select YA Fantasy will also be considered. YA with a quirky unique cast of characters is a yes, please!
#WritingCommunity #amquerying #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
At long last, I have a #MSWL! Find the link below and in my bio:…
Literary Agent
Lauren is open to queries on QM! @laurenspieller
I signed a new client less than 2 weeks ago and I'm already ready to do it again. If you're starting to query, please keep me in mind! #WritingCommunityI'd really like to see more suspense/thriller submission from POC. #mswl #WritingCommunity
Literary Agency
It's time for another #MSWL, BookEnds book friends!
This time from @PinaRamona:
"I usually go for spec lit but I'm in the mood for psychological thrillers like YOU & GONE GIRL with more diverse characters."
Literary Agent
Elisa Houot @ElisaHouot
Time for an updated #MSWL 🧵! Here are some projects I would love to see in my QueryManager inbox:*Picture books Nonfiction and informational, especially anything about people who changed the world but aren't as known for it as they should be
*Picture Books on Halloween (fiction)
*Young Adult Thrillers (anything with a Kara Thomas/Karen McManus feel)
For adult, I would love to see some gorgeous sweeping historical fiction, something to make me laugh out loud, original, high-concept crime/thrillers and cosy crime, and those all-consuming love stories you just have to tell all your friends about💙
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
It's been a while, but I've updated my #MSWL! Find the link below and in my bio: #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Today's #MSWL feature is none other than our very own @LaurenBittrich. Lauren represents psychological thrillers, voicey memoirs, and essay collections, and select YA with a focus on underrepresented voices. To query Lauren, use the link above!
#MSWL #amquerying #literaryagent
Literary Agent
Adult & YA: Mysteries & thrillers that unfold in isolated settings - a bed & breakfast, ski lodge, cruise ship, cabin in the woods, boarding school, etc.
Literary Agent
Adult: Horror of all stripes - psychological, body horror, folk horror, gothic, occult, hauntings, genre blends: horror/mystery, horror/thriller, etc. I gravitate more toward literary & upmarket writing than commercial.
YA: Same as above, basically!