Literary Agent
Manuscript wish list:
- Adult space only for Dec 2023
- Thrillers
- Psychological thrillers: character-driven & twisty
- Horror: thoughtful, more suspense than gore, unexpected endings.
- Mystery: 70k-100k words, historical & contemporary with or w/o a hint of romance, trad cozies, police procedurals, amateur sleuths & private 👁️ fiction
- Suspense: 75k - 100k words, no paranormal, lower to mid-level descriptions of violence
- Romance: Historical & Contemporary (with series potential), Romcom (with new fresh spins on old tropes), Small Town Western Settings, Diverse Romance, Holiday Romance
- Historical Fiction (no WWII fiction) from the ’20s, ’40s and Victorian era
- I would LOVE a creative retelling of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes
- High-concept book club fiction with a commercial hook. Anything provocative, humorous, and/or haunting
- Novels featuring complex family and/or racial dynamics and unforgettable characters
- Speculative fiction with quirky characters
- For all fiction: a magnetic opening, well-trained, flowy writing and cliffy chapter endings please!
- Only from authors with an established/large platform
- Commercial nf with a wide reach
- Sports
- History
- Celebrity or true crime autobiography
- Book club nonfiction books with take-away
- Stories infused with faith/positive spirit
- Space-related memoir & other space nf from authors with a platform
I may add more! And if you're very keen on working with me, but you aren't sure if you've got what I'm looking for, you can always DM or comment with your questions.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
quick links, friends:
MSWL arthouselit.com/who-we-are
Queries querymanager.com/query/ArtHouseLitSubmissions
Pinterest: pinterest.com/estywrites/titles-i-wish-were-mine/
*art by @ katiemadethat on insta

Literary Agency
"I am always looking for creepy horror stories for middle grade, young adult, or adult readers.I’m seeking an upmarket horror fairy tale retelling."
Maria Vicente #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
Kendyll is back from medical leave and is open to new queries! Check out the image and link below to see her #MSWL and querying info!
@kendylldrilling is looking for #SFF , #LitFic , and #HistoricalFiction in both YA and adult among other genres!

Literary Agent
I'm finally open to submissions again: My #MSWL is here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/julie-crisp/ Super excited to see what comes in! 🥳🥳

Literary Agent
I'd also love to see #ownvoices Latin-America-inspired mythological fantasy. It could be contemporary, historical, or a fresh retelling.
Anything featuring my favourite animal gets bonus attention.

Literary Agent
So excited to announce that I'll be opening for queries next week on Monday!
My full #MSWL can be found on my website: leahnovamoss.wixsite.com/my-site/manuscript-wishlist
I can't wait to read your queries soon! I'll have a #MSWL thread up soon as well.
#amquerying #writingcommunity #amagenting

Literary Agent
Something I didn’t know I wanted on my #mswl
• fairy tale or classic retellings/reimaginings
• modern stories about characters from fairy tales/classics and themes from said stories

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Bethany Fulk Hendrix @bethanyfulk
Hi #amquerying writers! I will be opening to submissions again on June 1st! I cannot wait to see all of your amazing stories in my inbox 🎉Here's what I'll be looking for:
Literary Agent
My agent profile is finally up at MSWL! Check me out at:

Literary Agency
I’m particularly in the mood for astrology-inspired fantasy, courtly intrigue, a witchy romance, myth & fairytale retellings, sapphic romantasy, undercover assassins, life or death trials and anything dark academia...

4 - Queer fantasy, queer SF, queer dark academia, queer Gothic, queer roadtrips, queer retellings, queer… you get the gist.