Literary Agency
"Adult literary fiction, especially anything contemporary with a rom-com twist." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL bit.ly/1dbOPj8

Literary Agent
Ariel Fieldman @Ariel_Fieldman
clairvoyants/psychics in real world settings. Think "Odd Thomas" or "The Mentalist" #MSWLCrime fighting psychics? :grabby hands: #MSWL

Literary Assistant

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"YA involving fringe science in a contemporary setting." @MsMariaVicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation

Lucy's #MSWL: An intelligent protagonist who takes action & makes their own opportunities rather than waiting for them to happen. #NaNoWriMo

Literary Agency
"Commercial/upmarket fiction that handles family secrets/reconciliation w/tenderness like TELL THE WOLVES I'M HOME" @kurestinarmada #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Resourceful way to find an agent's #mswl? Find what they read for fun. I post it all here: instagram.com/carlywatters/ with #cwreads hashtag

Literary Agency
"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @curtisPSLA Non-Fiction #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agency
Life is messy! People are complex! Books should be too. I want to be spurred to reflect on my life choices & my future. @carlywatters #MSWL

Literary Agency
"Essay collections: Give me your awkward confessions. Make me laugh." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL bit.ly/1dbOPj8


Literary Agency
Picture books that incorporate some aspect of geek culture. @MsMariaVicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation

Literary Agent
#mswl capturing "Isle of Hope, Isle of Fear" lyrics:
...In The Land Of Liberty.
And Courage Is The Passport
When Your Old World Disappears