Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm getting fantastic queries for Dark Academia right now, especially ones comping to ONE DARK WINDOW (which I love BTW). However, I have 2 authors on my list right now with ODW as a comp title, and dark academia settings. I never take on competing projects I currently have on so I'm more likely to pass on projects that have these vibes.

Literary Agent
I've been re-open to queries as of Feb 1st, so I wanted to share a thread of things I'm looking for/not looking for in queries at the moment. Hopefully this will be helpful. #querying #MSWL #amquerying

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
My past MSWL thread, all of which still applies:

Literary Agent
My updated MSWL on the Azantian website:

Literary Agent
I'm happy to announce that I'm open to queries again!
You can use the link below to send your work my way, and find my #MSWL (s) in the 🧵. Thank you in advance to all who submit, and looking forward to reading!

Literary Agency

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent