Heather Osborn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Spencerhill Associates. Pop culture fan. RPG video gamer. Romance junkie. K-Pop enthusiast. Stay.

2. Rockstar romances. And by this, I mean books that actively take place in the music industry, show touring life, shows, songwriting, etc. I don't want wallpaper rockstar romances!

Heather Osborn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Spencerhill Associates. Pop culture fan. RPG video gamer. Romance junkie. K-Pop enthusiast. Stay.

1: Kpop romances. I am so serious here. I have read some great self-pub and trad pubbed kpop romances, BUT I NEED MORE. The world needs more!

Heather Osborn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Spencerhill Associates. Pop culture fan. RPG video gamer. Romance junkie. K-Pop enthusiast. Stay.

At the risk of causing a stampede in my subs, here are some of my #MSWL niche requests and somewhat guilty pleasures. (Although honestly, I am a guilt-free reader and refuse to be shamed for any of my reading choices, no matter how wild.) 1/?

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

Most things I won’t rule out completely (especially if it’s from a fresh perspective or underrepped voice), so if you’re not sure, please feel free to query me anyway!

I'm so honored to be trusted with your stories & am so excited to see more wonderful projects in my inbox! 🥰

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her


-I’m looking for illustrated graphic novels in MG and YA (I’m not taking script ONLY atm)
-I am open to the occasional PB with a focus on stories about culture and family or navigating the world through a different lens
-I always have my eye out for more Canadian authors!

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her


I’m very selective with MG and am primarily looking for heartfelt, lyrical contemporary right now. I am also open to speculative fiction in MG with a preference for contemporary fantasy—I have a soft spot for quirky or snarky characters/voices in this space.

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

In YA, I am NOT typically the right fit for historical, high fantasy or sci-fi with heavy worldbuilding, European-inspired fantasy settings, Arthurian retellings, space operas, dystopian, teen pregnancy stories, eating disorders, horse books, zombies.

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

In YA I’m also looking for:
-retellings/reimaginings (that don’t stick TOO CLOSE to the source)

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

Genre-blending narratives
-mysteries/suspense/thrillers set in more sci-fi or fantasy worlds
-speculative romance
-horror elements blended into SFF (cosmic horror-esque)
-surprise me!!

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

-lower SFF/accessible worldbuilding
-contemporary fantasy (whether light and fun or dark and spooky)
-magical academies/dark academia
-thought-provoking sci-fi
-near future or tech focused sci-fi (versus space operas)

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her


In YA, I am open to a wide variety of genres. Specifically. I’m looking for:

-contemporary with a strong hook
-laugh-out-loud romcoms
-speculative twists (timeloops, vampires, magic, ghosts, etc.)

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

In Adult, I would particularly love a funny/satirical horror, a humorous, over-the-top mystery/thriller, or a locked room mystery in a spec fic setting.

I'm NOT typically the right fit for hist fic, military, police procedurals, high fantasy/sci-fi, dystopian, or literary fic.

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

I am also open to the following in Adult, though prefer if they have a strong romantic subplot:
-mystery (a la Knives Out)
-women’s fiction
-grounded/accessible SFF

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

I am NOT typically the right fit for historical/regency, medical, Christmas, cowboy/western, or dark romances. I’m also not the right fit for police/detective love interests, and heavy/serious romantic thrillers or suspense.

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

-Adventure and/or heist roms (the more bonkers, the better)
-Contemporary romance/rom coms (though it needs to have a strong voice and strong hook)
-Nerdy/fandom romances (comic con, cosplay, fanart/fanfic, D&D, etc.)
-sports roms (particularly BIPOC and/or LGBTQ)

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her


I’m primarily looking for romance, specifically:

-Romance with a spec twist (witches, ghosts, magic, timeloops, love spells, soulmates, etc.)
-Romantasy (but the worldbuilding needs to feel very grounded and accessible with the focus more on the “rom” than the “fantasy”)

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

An updated #MSWL thread!

In general, I’m looking for Adult, YA, & MG fiction. I'm drawn to romance, horror, lower SFF, and genre blending & am always looking for more diverse perspectives. I am NOT right for erotica, non-fic, lit fic, or lower MG/chap books.

Specifics below.

Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
1203 AskAgent
44 Queries
81 Tips

I would like to see more queries in my Inbox that offer great escapism, both on the adult as on the YA side: horror, thrillers, mysteries, romance. #MSWL .

Erin Niumata
Literary Agent
SVP/Literary Agent Folio Literary Management. MA Creative Writing, Doctoral Researcher, wife, mom, cancer survivor, Member @aalitagents She/Her 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇧🇸🇳🇿
6 Tips

On Friday, July 26th I'm open for Smart Book Club Fiction, Upmarket Women’s Fiction for one week only. I’m looking for: propulsive storylines, rich characters, complex relationships, can have humor and romance (not straight RomComs). #MSWL

Arden Jones
Literary Assistant
🤘Working Class 🧹Rep'd by @MollyJamieson @UA_Books 📝Agency Assistant building Children's list @thegoodagencyuk 🎙@YA_BookJAM ❤#WilliamsSyndrome #ASD Mummy

✨Exciting news! I'm open to CB's, MG & YA submissions!✨
*No PB's, sorry.

#MSWL - I'm open to anything, but I'm especially looking for funny, horror & romance. A mashup of the 3 in a YA sub would be perfect.💖
Submissions open 1st-21st of each month.