Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Happy #MSWL Day! I'd love an ultra-sexy, full-length (100K words) paranormal romance by a debut writer:…
Literary Agency
Blue Ridge Agency @BRL_Agency
#MSWL Cozy mysteries, Amish romances & mysteries, Romance, Mystery, Suspense...
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#MSWL Cozy mysteries, Amish romances & mysteries, Romance, Mystery, Suspense Query instructions:
It's #MSWL day! Off and on I'll be tweeting my manuscript wishlist. If you'd like to submit to me at @CarinaPress:
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Lauren Spieller @laurenspieller
I'd love to find a YA take on the "magic baking" trope. See: THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE or MAGIC BITTER, MAGIC SWEET #MSWLAnd finally, a few #MSWL items I've tweeted before and still REALLY want. Note that I'll take this in MG or YA!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
In SF, I love anything set in space. Esp. big-idea SF (think A FIRE UPON THE DEEP), but also spaceship adventure books. #MSWLIn both fantasy and SF, I'm a sucker for books about revolutions and characters facing only bad choices. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hannah Bowman @hannahnpbowman
Within fantasy, I'd love a beautiful world with beautiful magic. But I also tend toward books that explore the cost of violence. #MSWLIn SF, I love anything set in space. Esp. big-idea SF (think A FIRE UPON THE DEEP), but also spaceship adventure books. #MSWL