
Literary Agency
For the month of February, Micah is ONLY looking for #Romance books and #screenplays or alternate genres with heavy romance subplots. She will reopen to all other genres again in March.
#MSWL #amquerying #WritingCommunity

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Incredibly grateful for all the support I’ve received as I opened for queries at @HowlandLit
Thank you @zoealinehoward for putting together these awesome graphics with my #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
i've also updated my #mswl and wilp be sharing more details on that soon! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/hana-e-n/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
hi #amquerying friends! just a quick note to let you know that i'm back open to queries again: querymanager.com/query/QueryHanaCMD

Literary Agent
#MSWL . I am closed to queries with the exception of the following:
A YA Trapped-in-Time hook: QueryManager.com/Ali/YATrappediTrappedinTime.
YA Romantasy: QueryManager.com/Ali/YARomantasy
If you submit anything outside these parameters, they will be deleted without response.

Literary Agent

Literary Assistant
WordsWithoutBorders @wwborders
How can we include speculative fiction in global lit conversations? How can sci-fi/fantasy publishers and prizes bring more global voices to readers? In an essay from the archives, @Rcordasmakes the case for speculative fiction in translation: https://buff.ly/47TAsKQ
Send me speculative fiction in translation!!! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Angie Manfredi @misskubelik
PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU FOR MORE MIDDLE GRADE SPORTS BOOKS WITH GIRLS PLAYING SPORTS. I'm begging here. WNBA! SOFTBALL! VOLLEYBALL! This is a huge untapped market. We got a bunch of soccer books for a bit, a few gymnastics but. There's room for so much more.Totally down for a Bend It Like Beckham that isn't soccer and is actually queer lol #mswl #amagenting
I am excited to announce that I am now a part of the team @FocusedArtists ! With my new role I can expand my #mswl to include children's titles #kidlit is my passion and I am excited to read your stories!

Literary Agent
Looking forward to being open again and seeing what hits my inbox. Please always include content warnings in your query letter! Thank you all🫶 #amquerying #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Well, sitting at the airport so figured I would go ahead and drop that #MSWL before I reopen to queries on Monday! It’s been updated here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/andie-smith/
What I am actively searching for when I reopen: