Claire Harris
Literary Agent
thriller fanatic, rom com addict, acquiring literary agent @psliterary - she/her
24 AskAgent

I'm a major softie, so please send me your sweet rom coms! I want emotional intelligence, tender ~steamy scenes~, and genuinely funny dialogue. #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Send me your illustrated picture books with literary sensibilities. I'm looking for whimsical stories, fascinating nonfiction, and stunning art."
@agentvicente #MSWL

Claire Harris
Literary Agent
thriller fanatic, rom com addict, acquiring literary agent @psliterary - she/her
24 AskAgent

Would love to see more psychological horror in my query inbox—especially anything with a remote location (“abandoned” anything is a major selling point for me!), a haunted house (house as character!), and/or a final girl. #MSWL

Claire Harris
Literary Agent
thriller fanatic, rom com addict, acquiring literary agent @psliterary - she/her
24 AskAgent

✨ New Year, New #MSWL Thread ✨

I'll continue adding to this throughout the year (especially as I'm looking for different/new things), but for now, these are the kinds of projects I'd most like to see in my inbox!

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
119 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#mswl - would love something with vibes like the bear on hulu ............. i have been watching it a lot lol

Antoinette Van Sluytman
Literary Agent
@IGLAbooks SFF junior agent. Member of AALA & MDI committee. @Antoinight author account. 🥷🏾anti-literary imperialism🥷🏾✨She/Her✨

Welcome to 2023 everyone

Pleased to announce my official #MSWL is live and available. For details on what I’ll be looking for please refer to this page⬇️…

Helen Lane
Literary Agent
Writer of fantasy and horror. Junior Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit Hoarder of books. Murdery at heart. Tea obsessed. (She/her). Closed to submissions.

The Cottage in the Wildwood @cottageinwood

The energy I am bringing to tomorrows job interview:

This vibe is a definite #mswl

It gives Maleficent/ Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman vibes and I am here for them. Give me a fantasy from the POV of an evil queen where the beautiful princess is just annoying and does not win the hearts of the people/ love interest.

Camille Kellogg
Author of JUST AS YOU ARE (Dial, 2023). Editor at Bloomsbury Children’s. Repped by @AgentJessicaA . She/her.

Agents!! I would love to kick off 2023 by acquiring some YA high fantasy— if you have any, please send it my way!! #MSWL

Great Dog Literary
Literary Agency
Literary agency seeking diverse voices and perspectives. Query us!
Great Dog Literary
Literary Agency
Literary agency seeking diverse voices and perspectives. Query us!

For Anissa's #MSWL, visit… She's opened up to novels & non graphic novel projects this year!

To query @AnissaDorsey777:

Great Dog Literary
Literary Agency
Literary agency seeking diverse voices and perspectives. Query us!

Happy querying & good luck to all of the authors querying now that it’s 2023! Reminder: only @AnissaDorsey777 & @ismita_h are currently open to queries. They each have very different areas of expertise, so be sure to check out their #MSWL! #amquerying #writingcommunity

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

Please visit my website for submission guidelines and even more wish list items.

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

Specific nonfiction topics I’d love to read about this year: music journalism, depression, chronic illness, occult topics beyond tarot and astrology, environmentalism, smart pop culture criticism. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

I’m always excited to see strong nonfiction proposals in my inbox. Pop culture, environmental science, history, occult, and lifestyle. Illustrated projects. Essays written by modern journalists. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

Illustrated picture books by individual author/illustrators. My picture book preference leans heavily on the “literary” side of storytelling and prose. Moving topics, poetic language, visually and emotionally striking protagonists, unique art style. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

Illustrated graphic novels and graphic nonfiction by individual author/illustrators. MG, YA, Adult. The art needs to cleverly utilize the comics storytelling format. I’m not looking at script-only submissions at the moment. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

And of course, I can’t stay away from gorgeously written MG fantasy. There’s a lot of it out there though, so I need to read a truly unusual concept to keep my interest. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

I love MG novels featuring characters with specific, compelling interests. A pre-teen who has built their entire personality around That Thing they love. The more obscure, the better. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

In MG, I’m still looking for the perfect animal story! Think Silverwing, Pax, even Watership Down or Bunnicula. This could go in so many directions—I just really love animal characters! #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips

Weird and wonderful YA novels. Just the slightest touch of magic, or stranger, or unsettling in an otherwise ~perfectly normal~ world. #MSWL