Elena Giovinazzo
Literary Agent
Pippin Properties
Literary Agent, more specifically, Vice President at Pippin Properties, Inc.

Literary Agent
Writers! Illustrators! Queriers! A note that I am closing to submissions for the time being. Everything that is in my inbox as of today will be considered. Anything after today will not. I'll be reopening again sometime in the spring. #amagenting #mswl #amquerying

Literary Agent
Pippin Properties @LovethePippins
We’re so excited to announce the Second Annual African American Creatives Grant! ✨ This year, we’re accepting applications from writers only starting Tuesday, October 12!✨For more information on requirements and how to apply, visit
pippinproperties.com/submissions pic.twitter.com/ymztu5aYDC
Writers! It's your turn this year! APPLY APPLY APPLY! #wndb #mswl #amwriting #amagenting

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Elena Giovinazzo @elenagiovinazzz
Dear publishing twitter. I'm back open to queries! Visit pippinproperties.com/submissions for guidelines and send along your work! I'm so excited to be back in the game. #amagenting #amwriting #amrevisingI'm on the hunt for authors, author / illustrators, illustrators, graphic novels, non-fiction, MG and YA fiction, maybe even an adult novelist? #msw

Literary Agent
Just putting this out there. I’d love to take on a literary YA author this year. Think @JasonReynolds83 meets @nina_lacour , or something totally different! Just as long the story is beautiful and fresh and MATTERS. #mswl

Literary Agent
Just realized my list includes two books featuring goats in trees. So if you were thinking of sending me a book about a goat in a tree, don’t. I’ve already checked that box #mswl 🐐🌳

Literary Agent
Dear Twitter-using writers and illustrators! Please note that I am closing to queries for the summer, starting on Monday, July 15th. If you send your query before then, I will read it! Though please note that I'll only respond if I'd like more material. #amagenting #mswl

Literary Agent
Pippin Properties @LovethePippins
FAQ 🐷 How do I query Pippin?Send full PB or 1st chapter of MG/YA in body of e-mail to
info@pippinproperties.com for @HollyMMcGhee /
egiovinazzo@pippinproperties.com for @elenagiovinazzz /
scrowe@pippinproperties.com for @saraagent /
lhelena@pippinproperties.com for @larilena
Our website is undergoing reconstruction (IT'S GOING TO BE GORGEOUS!) so in the meantime, the contact info for querying is below! You can also check each of our individual Publishers Marketplace pages for more info . . . #amagenting #mswl #amquerying

Literary Agent
YA #MSWL - Contemporary (think @JasonReynolds83 or @jandynelson), w maybe a dose of magical realism (think @thatlauraruby's BONE GAP)

Literary Agent
WRITERS! ILLUSTRATORS! I'm back open to queries after having been closed while on maternity leave. #MSWL top-notch MG, YA & PBs! #amagenting

Literary Agent
Vulture @vulture
#MissingRichardSimmons is by far, the strongest narrative podcast out there right now vult.re/2m0ZCluMy new obsession. A story told with so much affection for its subject. Would love to see this kind of storytelling in my inbox #mswl

Literary Agent
#MSWL The middle grade or YA equivalent of #JaneTheVirgin. I am in love with the voice and heart AND DRAMA of this show.