Literary Agent

Literary Agency
We're so excited to welcome @suddenlyjen to the LDLA team!
Check out her #mswl : manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jennifer-udden/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
My #mswl page is now live! Check it out here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/molly-ketcheson/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Incredibly grateful for all the support I’ve received as I opened for queries at @HowlandLit
Thank you @zoealinehoward for putting together these awesome graphics with my #MSWL

Literary Agent
New year, same me, still don’t know how to use Twitter!!
Updated my #mswl pls submit! :)

Literary Agent
Just updated my #MSWL for anyone who wants to take a gander. Still looking for the next fantasy or sci-fi MS that pushes my buttons. I like a little darkness, a harrowing adventure. Also always looking for NF in a bunch of categories.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm excited to announce that I am a Literary Agent Apprentice with @CorvisieroLit and am now accepting queries! Follow the link in my bio for my full #MSWL , and how to submit. Send me all your upmarket speculative fiction 🤩 #amquerying #WritingCommunity #amagenting #publishing