Em Lysaght
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @CoppsLiterary ★ Here for MG-Adult graphic novels, Sci-fi, Fantasy, That👏Gay👏Shit👏 ★ She/her ★ CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS

Maeve MacLysaght, haver of bones @mmmlysaght

New year, new #MSWL!

I represent BIPOC, Queer, and marginalized creators writing commercial genre fiction across MG, YA, Adult, and Graphic Novel. My particular weaknesses are genre-blending SFF, horror, and anything with murder or making out (ideally both)

2023 #MSWL! As a reminder, I represent BIPOC, queer, & marginalized creators making joy for themselves in SFF & horror for MG, YA, Adult, and Graphic Novel.
My existing MSWL is still a mortifyingly perfect encapsulation of my tastes, but this year I'm looking for even MORE:

Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent

I’d also love to see queries from LGBTQIA writers, especially stories of joy and, given everything going on in the world, will prioritize how I can queries from trans writers if you choose to such identify in your letter (of course you do not have to)

Davi Lancett
Editor @TitanBooks . Big on books, games and food. Pizza deserves its own section. 🎃

8 - Couples (or throuples) ready to take a stand and burn down the world for each other. Bonus if they’re queer!

Davi Lancett
Editor @TitanBooks . Big on books, games and food. Pizza deserves its own section. 🎃

4 - Queer fantasy, queer SF, queer dark academia, queer Gothic, queer roadtrips, queer retellings, queer… you get the gist.

Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent

I can't look at #MoodPitch today 😞 but I'm going to list a couple random #mswl wants I've been thinking abt lately:

🍩 contemp sff in the vein of LIGHT FROM UNCOMMON STARS: gorgeous, moving, queer, making magic out of the ordinary
🌜 a ferocious, heart pounding love story

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips

In Graphic Novels (young readers, MG, and YA), I'd love to see:
📷 STEM topics for young readers
📷 Tweens saving the world
📷 Queer teens living their best lives

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips

Hannah VanVels Ausbury is ready for RevPit 🪴🌙 @hannahvanvels

I am open to queries and would love to build my list in 2023.
🌟Query: QueryManager.com/HannahVanVels
🌟MSWL: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/hann…

First and foremost, I'm building an inclusive list with a variety of voices and genres. I'm looking for BIPOC authors, queer authors, neurodivergent authors, disabled authors, and generally, authors from historically excluded backgrounds. #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"I want an LGBTQIA+ novel in the vein of ONE DAY (high concept, unique structure, deep and sweeping love story)."
@carlywatters #MSWL


Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
25 AskAgent
21 Tips

I love Romance, but I also love all the ways we mess up and/or complicate our lives CHASING it. Also, chasing monogamy is boring me rn. I’d love to see a QUEER BIPOC coming-of-age/women’s fiction abt a fun-loving, bighearted dyke whose quest for love leads to selfish chaos. #mswl

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I am as always actively seeking manuscripts from queer, trans, disabled, and neurodivergent writers, BIPOC, and other marginalized populations.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

Fantasy romance, especially queer fantasy romance, like A MARVELLOUS LIGHT. Happy to receive both dark and cozy romances!

Keir Alekseii
Literary Agent
Associate🔥Agent for @jenazantian | Cat wrangler 🐈‍ | 🇹🇹 gyal | Intersectional feminist✊ | #ADHD | she/they bi/pan 🌈 | Opinions my own. Layout @ana_scribe
5 AskAgent
Rachel Mann
Literary Agent
Literary agent | She/her

Pondering my current #mswl. I’d still love to see some high-concept YA romance (if queer then all the better) that addresses the climate crisis… ecological, possibly international, could be a version of our world, could be fantasy?

Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
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21 Tips

I’m just a dumb raging thot who wants an Girls Trip Adult novel for queer BIPOC whores who want to have a good time at the expense of their friendship (before reconciling, of course!) #mswl

Zoie Janelle
Editorial Assistant
editorial assistant @PeachtreePub & @PeachtreeTeen • cat enthusiast • the L in LGBTQ • (all views are my own!)
Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
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183 Tips

I changed my Twitter name in the hopes my query box will magically fill up with MORE GAY BOOKS* #mswl 😜

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Looking for nonfiction proposals about pop culture, environmental science, social history, music journalism, and LGBTQ+ topics."
@agentvicente #MSWL


Ernie Chiara
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @FuseLiterary ⟡ Seeking authentic stories by traditionally underpublished voices ⟡ SFWA ⟡ Founder @TBRstacklinktr.ee/erniechiara
Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
📚 lit agent @WCA_LitAgency 📖 advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA 🐕‍🦺 recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. ♿ clients #SpineSquad 📘
178 MSWL
12 Queries
71 Tips

Two specific #MSWL items that will be on my list when I reopen to queries:
1, survivors of family "reunification" programs (like Building Family Bridges), fictionalized or NF accounts
2, fiction that explores the unique friendships between gay men and lesbians

Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
25 AskAgent
21 Tips

My daily life is centered around being fine as hell in all-black and dodging lesbian drama while throwing ass. Like please, give me characters who are about that life!!!! #mswl

That whole social climbing, marriage aspirations is not my lane, honey.