Literary Agent
We’re sharing our 2020 Must Haves graphics over at @bookendslit. Here’s mine. I’d love to see a query from you! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
YA contemporary! I’m dying for a queer story revolving, especially one revolving around mental health. I want unique concepts and HIGH STAKES and lots of conflict. I tend to be drawn to more melancholy tones in contemporary—but adore humor and light sprinkled throughout!
Literary Agent
Seeking: Adult: suspense/thrillers, horror, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: suspense/ thrillers, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, mysteries, & contemporary. MG: Horror, sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, adventure, mysteries, & humor. Picture books too!!! #diversity #MSWL
Tiffany Shelton @TiffanyDiahann
I'm constantly and will forever be looking for witches of all types--mostly contemporary or light fantasy (basically anything grounded in the real work). #MSWL #ForeverMyMSWL…Literary Agent
when i updated my website, i also updated my wishlist! please bookmark this for the new year, when i finally, at long last, reopen to queries! #mswl #amquerying #querytip…
Literary Agent
Seeking: Adult: thrillers, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: thrillers, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, mysteries, & contemporary. MG: Horror, sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, adventure, mysteries, & humor. Also picture books! #diversity #MSWL
Literary Agent
I always want: Adult: thrillers, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: thrillers, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, mysteries, & contemporary. MG: Horror, sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, mysteries, & humor. #diversity #MSWL #writingcommunity #amquerying
Just saw @rivercitygirls while browsing for new games and now I want a spunky, over-the-top contemporary YA about two friends (or rivals) who need to work together to save their SOs that doesn't take itself too seriously, plus humor and MCs that pack a punch.
#MSWL #emswl #YA
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL
Literary Agency
“Send me your internship novels with drama, humor, and more!” @readbystephanie #MSWL
Literary Agency
"In non-fiction, I want to read about historical funny women, your Lucille Balls and Bea Arthurs. For humor in fiction, think the next Mrs. Maisel." @readbystephanie #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
And as promised... my #MSWL is now live here! >>> <<<
Will we be a good match??? I hope so!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Molly O'Neill @molly_oneill
Heartfelt &/or humorous middle grade that is rich & textured in its characterizations, stylistic choices, language, & telling. Give me subplots & side characters & settings that all work to make a story feel sophisticated & fully-realized & ALIVE. #MSWL #MGOooo yes please #mswl