Jill Marr
Literary Agent
Literary agent, baseball mom, wine lover, cake eater--not necessarily in order of importance.

Folks, I am thrilled to announce that I am FINALLY opening to submissions again in June. I'm looking for my usual #MSWL but especially interested in seeing...
Dark and spicy romance
marginalized voices
dark academia
fantasy 1/

Shari Maurer
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Stringer Literary and Local Group Lead for @MomsDemand Rockland County, NY. The best days include ice cream.

WRITERS! New #MSWL w/ a few changes. Still looking for Adult NF (lifestyle, parenting, sports, current events, etc) and YA/MG/PB, but expanding YA/MG to fantasy and still including dystopian/sci-fi/horror/contemporary. Make me laugh, make me sob! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shari-maurer/

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager: QueryManager.com/natascha bookshop.org/lists/teamnat
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Genre mashups! Like taking the beats from a romance or women's fiction, and bringing them to a fantasy world. Or the high fantasy tropes and taking them to comic con. This is just one example in the pic, but so many ways to play with this! #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager: QueryManager.com/natascha bookshop.org/lists/teamnat
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Then we have poison gardens, herbalist vibes in a fantasy world. I love the idea that the same plants that can cure things can kill. #MSWL

Weaver Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Working to create space for voices of diverse backgrounds & perspectives in adult & children’s literature. 🕯 @aalitagents
Weaver Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Working to create space for voices of diverse backgrounds & perspectives in adult & children’s literature. 🕯 @aalitagents
Thais Afonso
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent with Azantian Literary Agency I Currently open to queries from BIPOC authors I She/Her
Hoda Agharazi
Editor at Entangled. Former Pitch Wars mentor. She/her

I’d love to see more legal thrillers and fantasy in Adult (and fantasy is always welcome in YA, too!) #mswl

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

I really want to see more YA Fantasy in my inbox. Romantic Fantasy, grounded/contemporary fantasy, paranormal fantasy. Light magic, spooky magic, bizarre magic. Dark, frothy and fun, ALL OF IT. #mswl

Anjanette Barr
Literary Agent
Agent @ Dunham Literary, Author, YouTuber, mother of four in Juneau, AK. 💕📚💕🫖💕🥃💕 Member AALA, SCBWI, Alaska Writers Guild, Catholic Writers Guild.

And this Fall I’ll circle back to Adult fiction in other categories, including fantasy, historical, and romance. Keep reading for details. 🧵

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Would love some nouveau riche casts in material too! Probably most interested in international settings for Adult work, though happy to see U.S. settings too especially in YA.

MG, YA, NA/Adult welcome. Genre mixing or SFF w/same vibes welcome! Would love BIPOC casts!

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Just binged Arsenal Military Academy (the C-drama) & I'd LOVE to see stories w/similar weird-but-they-REALLY-work, squad goal friendships!

Happy to see romance/fantasy/historical or other genres here! Would love boarding school settings, big friendships/staked adventure!

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

Basic summary of what I'm currently acquiring:
✔️MG & YA (all genres)
✔️GN for kids w/illustrator attached
✔️Adult/NA romcom/romcom adjacent
✔️Adult/NA romantasy
✔️Adult/NA SFF w/ strong romance
✔️Narrative NF in History only

And I usually acquire commercial material.


Caroline J. Trussell
Literary Agent
junior literary agent with @metamorphlitag , mental health advocate/warrior, reader, indie/self pubbed author. INFJ & Capricorn😇 (she/her)

Reminder that I’m opening to queries tomorrow for the remainder of May!

What I’d love to see in my inbox:
- Adult thrillers
- Adult romantasy
- Adult Fantasy (of all sorts)
- Adult horror (paranormal, psychological)


Allegra Martschenko
Literary Agent
Acq editor @UPColorado | SFF Agent @Ladderbirdlit | Cofounder @Pathsinpub | wearer of many hats 🤠 | opinions mine but I can share
15 AskAgent
Gabrielle Harbowy
Literary Agent
Lit Agent Apprentice at @corvisierolit and open to queries! Writer. Editor. Typo ninja. Bi. Polyam. Disabled. She/her. Avatar: @gabmaybe

Is that the sound of a query box re-opening? This Wednesday, send me some hopeful science fiction and secondary world fantasy, and paranormal heists, please! And see the rest of my #MSWL here: corvisieroagency.com/gabrielle-harbowy.html #AmAgenting #Querying

Alex Grana
Literary Agent
writer. jd. horror lover. associate literary agent w/ corvisiero literary agency. she/her

Hi, all! I’m open to queries again starting today! Here are some specifics about what I’m on the hunt for but you can read my longer wishlist (and access my query form!) here: corvisieroagency.com/alexandra-grana.html

Morgan Wilson
Literary Agent
SFF Author. Enby. ND. Demi. @belcastr Agent Apprentice. Host/VA for @itsallinthecard podcast. They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 Layout @ana_scribe

...fantasy romance/romantasy and obvs anything with horror elements. I also really want queer norm worlds, accessible fantasies and diverse casts (please give me more disability rep in fantasy!) 7/

Morgan Wilson
Literary Agent
SFF Author. Enby. ND. Demi. @belcastr Agent Apprentice. Host/VA for @itsallinthecard podcast. They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 Layout @ana_scribe

Adult/YA Fantasy: I am aching for cozy fantasy, low stakes feel good stories. Fresh twists on vampires and werewolves are also on my list! Magical food or music, yes please send it! If you can comp a Studio Ghibli title 👀 I also love genre blends like sci fantasy ... 6/

Morgan Wilson
Literary Agent
SFF Author. Enby. ND. Demi. @belcastr Agent Apprentice. Host/VA for @itsallinthecard podcast. They/Them 🏳️‍🌈 Layout @ana_scribe

MG Fantasy: I honestly really love it all, but am really wanting a magic school with diverse cast and magical creatures (esp dragons!!)

MG Horror: Again I love it all, but would love a summer camp setting, haunted house/school, monster hunters and sentient natural settings 4/