Literary Agency
"Science fiction that explores the future & past of the world, like REVELATION SPACE." @kurestinarmada #MSWL
Literary Agent
And this is a tall order, but I'm also craving deep explorations of science history ala Emperor of All Maladies #MSWL
Literary Agent
It's #MSWL Monday and I'd love to see more pop science, especially with a business angle! Ex: Quiet, Power of Habit, Thinking Fast and Slow.
Literary Agency
"Thriller (legal, medical, political, etc.), Mystery (cozy, private eye, police procedural, etc.)" @curtisPSLA #MSWL
Literary Agency
"Upmarket Fiction (like Astonish Me and The Admissions)" @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Actively and hungrily seeking diverse YA fantasy and sci-fi." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agency
Claudie Wilson @cawilsonaz
#AskFuse what is on your wish list right now?.@cawilsonaz We're always looking 4 diverse, unique stories from promising new authors. More at & #MSWL #AskFuse
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Non-fiction wish list includes history of a geek or pop culture topic. @MsMariaVicente #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ooh, now that is something I'd love to see for YA. #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Kelly @YAFantasyFan
#MSWL MC whose personality matches Daenerys Targaryen, and who doesn't end up with a man in the end. Mix with Mulan, a war, and a dragon.And I’d love a #mmromance where a Jon Snow alpha male falls for a witty alpha male like Daario. #MSWL #erorom…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
.@MelanieHoo just sparked an idea for #MSWL. Anyone familiar with the story of the Scarlet Pimpernel? I'd love a Scarlet Pumpernickel PB.
Literary Agency
"Historical fiction where the city itself is a fully fleshed out character in its own right!" @kurestinarmada #MSWL