Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'm looking for anything that matches my #mswl (…), esp if Vikings, Crusades, friendships, chick lit, humor involved!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Darnit. How did I get through a whole #BookEndsChat without mentioning kinky lawyers? They’re always on my #MSWL.
Literary Agent
Top of my #MSWL is WF and YA contemp, especially about families dealing with special needs. Also dark WF in general. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
I'd also love to see more women's fiction #MSWL especially Magical Realism (but not paranormal) #bookendschat
Literary Agent
I'm absolutely finding that YA horror is at the top of my #MSWL right now. Also MG Horror. Give me Christopher Pike! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Danielle @dmarie116
@Campbele_E what's at the top of your wish lists right now? #bookendschatPsychological suspense, steamy contemporary romance, and Amish (at the other end of the spectrum)! #MSWL #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Top of my #mswl right now is middle grade fiction and non-fiction. #bookendschat
Literary Agent
I do find that when combing my inbox I'm gravitating for darker suspense, domestic suspense, thrillers & the like #MSWL #bookendschat
Literary Agent
Kristin Kisska @KKMHOO
#bookendschat What is the current subbing appetite for contemp domestic thriller/suspense? Thanks!hungry! editors & agents (especially me) #MSWL want domestic thriller/suspense in adult esp, but I also like YA #BookendsChat
Literary Agency
"If one of you has a YA Almost Famous, I would like to read it right now please." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Timmystletoe Metzner @timmymetzner
Logo programming idea no. 17: HGTV style home renovation show about building/designing sex dungeons.this could be a GREAT set up for a romance/erotica book. #MSWL!
Literary Agent
I finally got my #mswl page up. Check it out and send me your submissions!…
Literary Agent
Bo Bolander @BBolander
@dongwon It is one of my favourite things, that story.#mswl for, like, ever.