Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Time for a #MSWL thread!
Just up front everything I'm looking for can be found here:
I will be opening on May 1st and close late May 7th. I will be opening the first week of every month going forward so that I can answer everyone in a timely manner. 1/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
My MSWL can be found on, well, MSWL:
In short: I'm still in the thriller game. Looking for rural set thrillers, mysteries, select horror and select historical fiction. Bring it on!
Doing some spring cleaning at FinePrint as some of us are shifting to QueryManager. For me, I'm hoping this will be a more streamlined method to respond to queries. I'm open now through June 30. Send your query letter and first chapter to
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Picture books: I always knew this would be the smallest area of my list, as I work on so many wonderful PBs with my boss @ChristaHeschke , but I've become even more selective with them.