P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
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Literary Agency
The literary agency formerly known as Conville & Walsh. Representing the best authors in the world. Part of @TheCBG_

Next, @AgentSophieL, who wants a beautifully written love story heart warming and heart breaking in equal measure, a voice driven literary novel that speaks to us now and narrative nonfiction/memoir that offers up a window to another place/moment. More at bit.ly/3bq1wEK

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
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179 Tips

“YA non-fiction: Memoir, essay collections, you name it. Queer There & Everywhere is probably my favorite YA non-fic title in recent memory, and a great example of what I’d like to see.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Chip Rice
Literary Agent
Literary agent @WordLinkInc . Husband and father. Fan of undiscovered voices. Faith, sports, nature, coffee & conversation.

#MSWL A: Literary fiction and upmarket works in most genres. YA: Voice-driven contemporary, fantasy, or paranormal. NF: Platform-driven memoirs and Christian inspirational. #WritingCommunity

Ali Herring
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, Spencerhill Associates. Twin mom+1 📚 Eclectic in life & books. I 💙 Jane Austen & SFF in equal doses. #TeamSpencerhill Ali-ens 👽 rock!
248 MSWL
1 AskAgent
11 Queries
33 Tips

Kristine Swartz @KristineESwartz

Why can't we support a woman for president. We expect women to raise a family but not a nation? twitter.com/nytimes/status…

Can I please, #MSWL, have an adult fiction written documentary style (as if memoir maybe, or interview style like SLEEPING GIANTS) where a woman becomes president and overcomes all the crap.

Emmy Nordstrom Higdon
Literary Agent
📚 lit agent @WCA_LitAgency 📖 advisor @TheFOLD_ ✍ faculty @MSWLMA 🐕‍🦺 recovering PhD 🌈 they/them; Sal: Dr. ♿ clients #SpineSquad 📘
178 MSWL
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71 Tips

Saturday #MSWL: rad non-fiction (maybe memoir, maybe anthology) about being aspec!

Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
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8 Tips

Annual evergreen request...

Send me your kid-lit, adult novels, essays, memoirs... you name it, centered around your adoptee experience. I want those close and personal stories, both in fiction and non-fiction.

Let's make it happen. #MSWL is here. ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
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Replying to @erin_clyburn

I'm hungry for middle grade. I would also love more literary YA. & I would love an adult memoir/nonfic with an amazing hook (think MY BRAIN ON FIRE, EDUCATED, or FULL BODY BURDEN, not that summer you spent nannying in Europe [I'm sorry but I see so many queries like this]). #MSWL

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips
Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
63 AskAgent
4 Queries
8 Tips

It begins. I'm open to queries again at @PSLiterary!

You can check out my #MSWL over on my blog.

Happy New Year, let's make some books. ericsmithrocks.com/blog/2019/12/2…

Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
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8 Tips

I open up to queries again at @PSLiterary on Monday, so I've updated my wishlist!

I'd love to see more adult fiction and non-fiction this year. Send me your messy genre-blending stories, niche cookbooks, and complex memoirs.

Details on the blog! ericsmithrocks.com/blog/2019/12/2… #MSWL

Kayla Lightner
Literary Agent
Rights Manager+ Agent @ Ayesha Pande Literary. Words in @PitheadChapel , @PhoebeJournal , @anotherchimag , & elsewhere.
Cecilia Lyra
Literary Agent
Storyteller & Storyseller / Associate Literary Agent @PSLiterary ✍🏽 Co-host of @TSNOTYAW podcast 🎧 Feminist. Latinx. Immigrant. Reader.
142 MSWL
58 AskAgent
2 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
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179 Tips
Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it: literaryagentsofcolor.com
126 MSWL
80 Tips


- Graphic novels by author/illustrators.
- More children’s MG and YA nonfiction, everything ranging from memoir to platform nonfiction.

Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
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8 Tips
Sorche Fairbank
Literary Agent
Lit Agent (Sorche Fairbank) tweeting about books, queries, small victories, cultivating joy, books, books, books.

If you write memoir or essay collections, show me your rawest, most honest self on the page, like Jo Ann Beard, or Alexandra Fuller. I also am looking for memoir that tells two compelling stories, such as H is for Hawk. #MSWL

Margo Claire
Editing @avidreaderpress 👀 Scorpio-at-large 🔮 opinions are my own, unfortunately. she/her Books I Love: bit.ly/3bBo7yJ Books I Edit: bit.ly/2RZN0w3

#mswl also memoir/narrative nonfic that braids together research with personal experience. Kind of like 'The Crane Wife' essay, but a book, meets LAB GIRL. Extra points if it's about marine life because we all kind of wanted to be marine biologists when we were younger didnt we?

Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
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8 Tips

I also work in non-fiction, handling cookbooks, memoir, pop-history, and more!

If you've got a platform and a story to tell or gorgeous food photography (or both!), I want to chat. #MSWL