Literary Agency
"History, Business, Politics, Current Affairs, Memoir" @CurtisPSLA #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agency
Next, @AgentSophieL, who wants a beautifully written love story heart warming and heart breaking in equal measure, a voice driven literary novel that speaks to us now and narrative nonfiction/memoir that offers up a window to another place/moment. More at bit.ly/3bq1wEK

Literary Agency
“YA non-fiction: Memoir, essay collections, you name it. Queer There & Everywhere is probably my favorite YA non-fic title in recent memory, and a great example of what I’d like to see.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Literary Agent
#MSWL A: Literary fiction and upmarket works in most genres. YA: Voice-driven contemporary, fantasy, or paranormal. NF: Platform-driven memoirs and Christian inspirational. #WritingCommunity

Literary Agent
Kristine Swartz @KristineESwartz
Why can't we support a woman for president. We expect women to raise a family but not a nation? twitter.com/nytimes/status…Can I please, #MSWL, have an adult fiction written documentary style (as if memoir maybe, or interview style like SLEEPING GIANTS) where a woman becomes president and overcomes all the crap.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Annual evergreen request...
Send me your kid-lit, adult novels, essays, memoirs... you name it, centered around your adoptee experience. I want those close and personal stories, both in fiction and non-fiction.
Let's make it happen. #MSWL is here. ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Literary Agent
I'm hungry for middle grade. I would also love more literary YA. & I would love an adult memoir/nonfic with an amazing hook (think MY BRAIN ON FIRE, EDUCATED, or FULL BODY BURDEN, not that summer you spent nannying in Europe [I'm sorry but I see so many queries like this]). #MSWL

Literary Agent
My @WritersDigest New Agent Alert is up! Check it out to see my #MSWL & how to sub to me.

Literary Agency
"History, Business, Politics, Current Affairs, Memoir" @CurtisPSLA #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
It begins. I'm open to queries again at @PSLiterary!
You can check out my #MSWL over on my blog.
Happy New Year, let's make some books. ericsmithrocks.com/blog/2019/12/2…

Literary Agent
I open up to queries again at @PSLiterary on Monday, so I've updated my wishlist!
I'd love to see more adult fiction and non-fiction this year. Send me your messy genre-blending stories, niche cookbooks, and complex memoirs.
Details on the blog! ericsmithrocks.com/blog/2019/12/2… #MSWL

Literary Agent
Have finally updated my #mswl! #amquerying writers should take a look and then send me what ya got😊: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kayl…

Literary Agent
Lauren Daley @LaurenDaley1
@ceciliaclyra As i wrote here: the best memoir of the year! ❤️southcoasttoday.com/opinion/201911…Has anyone read this? It's SO good! #WritingCommunity #mswl 😍

Literary Agency
"History, Business, Politics, Current Affairs, Memoir" @CurtisPSLA #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
