Literary Agent
In horror, I’m looking for stories that lean slightly literary and are strange/weird in a disconcerting, unsettling kind of way, where the MC can never get their bearings in their world because society or the laws or people/monsters, etc. are super unusual or disturbing. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Strange family legends, strange towns, strange and atmospheric worlds, strange societies, strange laws, perhaps even dystopian, but leans literary. #MSWL
Literary Agent
christina orlando 🌙 @cxorlando
hey friends! what sci-fi, fantasy, or speculative books come to mind when you think about anti-colonialist literature?If the tone is literary, I'd love to see this type of stuff #mswl
Literary Agent
What I’m looking for!! Please retweet if you know writers looking for an agent. #agent #querying #mswl…
Literary Agency
“Literary fiction that genre blends, commercial fiction that takes me somewhere unknown, and rom-coms that make me laugh and swoon.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL I am open to queries! Looking for Adult and Crossover SFF, and Adult Speculative that blends either WF, horror, literary fiction, or suspense with speculative elements.
Looking forward to seeing your work!…
Literary Agent
I’m thrilled to announce I’m a new Literary Associate at Olswanger Literary! I’ll open to submissions on September 1, accepting adult fiction and nonfiction.
If you think we might be a match (my tastes are wide & varied) please query me in September!…
Literary Agent
Excited to announce that September 1st, I'll be a Literary Associate with @OlswangerLiterary and I am open to queries. You can check out my MSWL before submitting.…
#MSWL #literaryagent
I am very actively looking for new writers of literary, upmarket, and book club fiction to join my list at the brilliant @MMLitAgency. I'm sharing my wishlist below - I would love to see your work! 📚
#MSWL #amwriting #amquerying…
Literary Agent
#MSWL available at Pub Marketplace
📚📚 Looking forward to #DVpit!…
Literary Agent
I am open to queries again! Check out my updated #MSWL. Seeking:
⭐️NF: memoir, narrative, pop science, self-help, cookbook
⭐️ F: literary, upmarket, horror, thriller, low-fantasy, high-fantasy adventure
⭐️ YA: low fantasy, rom-com, detectives, creepy…
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Romance, Literary, Commercial, Suspense, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL
Literary Assistant
New #MSWL (mine) just dropped:… Special bonus feature: find out which musical always makes me cry!
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
“Literary fiction that genre blends, commercial fiction that takes me somewhere unknown, and rom-coms that make me laugh and swoon.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Editorial Assistant
Excited to share my #MSWL today! I'm actively seeking fiction & nonfiction w/ a feminist focus, especially featuring strong voices, smart characters & relevant social/political/historical themes. Agents, let's chat! More details here:…
Assistant Editor
Literary Assistant
Hi, #WritingCommunity! At long last, my #MSWL is finally up. 🎉 If you read my wish list and want to query me, please follow the submission guidelines at the bottom of my MSWL page.…
#amwriting #amquerying