Literary Agent
ME TOO. Though in MG/YA. #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anything set in a bakery...#mswl
Literary Agency
"Non-fiction like Matthew Crawford's SHOP CLASS AS SOULCRAFT. " @curtisPSLA #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL: Nonfiction; science; a history of gravitational waves that is both enlightening and not boring.
Literary Agent
I desperately want a YA Orange Is the New Black in 2016 #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Still looking for YA or women's lit about the "pathological platonic intimacy that can happen between women"… #mswl
Literary Agent
Also, I’ve updated my submissions page to include kids’ non-fiction. #mswl
Literary Agent
A word about #mswl: My posts are meant to be more global and less grocery-list. You’re always welcome to query if you think I’m a fit.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Talking w @KateMcBooks about her #FaradayFiles books the other week made me realize how awesome Hufflepuff protags are. Send me more! #MSWL
Literary Agent
I feel like this goes w/o saying but I'm really really dying for non-Western fantasy. Either on Earth or a secondary-world is fine. #MSWL
Literary Agent
BTW, I also handle nonfiction, so hit me up with any particularly geeky book proposals you might have! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Also looking for stories set in unusual or remote locations. Could be SFF or contemporary, but stays in the region, not transitory. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald @literallycait
Also still looking for that Leverage book, you guys! Heists heists heists, please send me your heists! Ideally w/ lots of women #MSWLand/or con-artist team, that works too #MSWL
Literary Agent
Also still looking for that Leverage book, you guys! Heists heists heists, please send me your heists! Ideally w/ lots of women #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL: Things that are my hobby but that I also want to read about: Pool, kickboxing, swing dancing, beer, tea, baking, embroidery
Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald @literallycait
PS when I say "lesbians" I actually mean a f/f romance with women who identify as any sexuality, not just specifically "lesbians" #MSWLCanon bisexuality, for example, I am definitely eager to see more of in media #MSWL
Literary Agent
PS when I say "lesbians" I actually mean a f/f romance with women who identify as any sexuality, not just specifically "lesbians" #MSWL