Vicky Weber
Literary Agent
Assoc. Lit Agent at @tpurcellagency ❤ Children's Books Author + Publishing Coach - Repped by @eastwestlit 🇵🇷

I am OPENING TO QUERIES from Nov 13th-20th! Stay tuned for my MSWL.

Corvisiero Agency
Literary Agency
New York City Boutique Literary Agency where Amazing Authors find Professional Literary Representation.
16 Tips

Maggie Sadler is looking for #OwnVoices stories written by Native and Indigenous authors. She is primarily interested in #LitFic , #HistoricalFiction , and #MagicalRealism . Check out the link below for more of Maggie's #MSWL and her querying info!

Transatlantic Agency
Literary Agency
North American, full service literary agency with agents in the U.S. & Canada covering adult & children's markets. Over 700 bestselling, award winning clients.

After closing this summer for the first time ever, Senior Agent @Cforde_litagent is ready to open for submissions again!

She will be open for submissions from November 6th to December 6th 2023!

Find more details in the attached graphics.
#mswl #queryme #pitchme #litagent

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

A bit about me besides my cookie anecdote on my #mswl . Perhaps this will sell you on why we could be a good fit:

1. I played soccer growing up and in college.

2. I work on a vineyard with my family.

3. History was my favorite subject in school.

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"For romance, while different heat levels work for different books, please don't be afraid that something is too low or too high heat – I want it all."
@roseferrao #MSWL

Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez
Literary Agent
#Kidlit Literary Agent. Mom. Wife. Math teacher. #SCBWI . #PBParty finalist. Eat a🍪 while you can.
Helen Lane
Literary Agent
Writer of fantasy and horror. Junior Literary Agent @BookerAlbertLit Hoarder of books. Murdery at heart. Tea obsessed. (She/her). Closed to submissions.

Just sneaking on here with a #mswl My favourite books of this year have been Babel, The Atlas Six and Middlegame, so I would love to find something with a serious magical and academic vibe. So if you have something like this, please do consider sending it my way. Thank you.

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

This book was a favorite of mine growing up. Would love a adult version that is written by #ownvoice (as I don’t think this was). #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Would love to see more psychological horror in my query inbox—especially anything with a remote location (“abandoned” anything is a major selling point for me!), a haunted house (house as character!), and/or a final girl."
@claire_m_harris #MSWL

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you comp Happy Endings (if you haven’t seen the show go watch it now), please query me. #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"I'm on the lookout for mystery thrillers that explore a 'true crime' in their fictional world. Who does it impact, and how? What is justice? Think A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDERING, NOTHING CAN HURT YOU, MY FLAWLESS LIFE, and JACKAL."
@roseferrao #MSWL

Katie Gisondi
Literary Agent
sub rights associate and lit agent at @LDLiterary 🤗

updated my #mswl just a litttttle bit incase the #amquerying crowd wants to take a look :)

Michelle Lindo Rice
Literary Agent
Lit.Agent @LCSLiterary - AALA and SCBWI member R, WF Author. Editor. AKA @ZoeyMJackson

I love manuscripts with MC who sing, act, OR musicals---anything like that. I love to sing. #MSWL I love the arts.

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Send me Gothic fiction with possibly a modern storyline, too (like MEXICAN GOTHIC and THE LITTLE STRANGER)."
@carlywatters #MSWL

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Sea Beast, but make it romantasy. #mswl

Jennifer March Soloway
Literary Agent
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
183 MSWL
45 AskAgent
105 Tips

A few things that aren't right for my current list:

Picture books. (I have too many right now.)
Illustrators. (I have too many right now.)
Novels-in-verse. (Not my editorial strength. You don't want me, I promise.)
High fantasy.

But got a great novel? please try me!

Jennifer March Soloway
Literary Agent
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
183 MSWL
45 AskAgent
105 Tips

A novel grounded in our world with a dash of the speculative.

I am always hoping to find out there's magic in our world, if only we knew where to look.


Jennifer March Soloway
Literary Agent
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
183 MSWL
45 AskAgent
105 Tips

A novel that makes me laugh out loud.

Or one that makes me cry.

Or better yet, both.


Jennifer March Soloway
Literary Agent
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
183 MSWL
45 AskAgent
105 Tips

Contemporary #YA with a literary voice about ordinary teens dealing with life, family, relationships, friendships falling apart, sexuality, mental health, or recovery. A blend of genre and literary would be best of all.
