Kiana Nguyen

Literary Agent

Donald Maass Literary Agency

YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh

Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
25 AskAgent
21 Tips

Brianna Lynne 🏳️‍🌈 is writing/editing/querying @BriannaLynneYA

@kianangu Is a rejection with “this isn’t the right fit for me” just a nice way of saying it won’t sell?
Replying to @BriannaLynneYA

I wouldn't take too much stock in it unless you're getting a lot of form rejections. It can also simply mean it's not a right fit. If an agent likes the concept/pages but doesn't take it on bc they think it won't sell, they'll probably say it.

Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
25 AskAgent
21 Tips

leandra ✨ @leandrashay1

@kianangu if someone says “this didn’t connect with me” is that a nice way of trying to say something else or is that just a matter of personal taste and it just not being the right for for that person?
Replying to @leandrashay1

I would look at it as a matter of personal taste and not look too deeply into it. If you’re getting form letters more than personal feedback on work, I’d take it to mean something’s not working in your query or sample pages.

Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
25 AskAgent
21 Tips