Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
2 Queries
20 Tips
Kurestin Armada
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @RootLiterary . Specializes in science fiction, fantasy, & graphic novels for all ages.
137 AskAgent
2 Queries
20 Tips
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Michelle Witte
Literary Agent
Publishing professional and mental health advocate. I write craptastic books. Some people think I'm funny. You should probably be worried about those people.
171 MSWL
18 Tips
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Jen Linnan
Literary Agent
Linnan Literary Management LLC // still technically a shark // avatar by Zac Gorman
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A YA protagonist - maybe even a Chosen One! - unpacking their privilege / flaws (See: @LindsayRibar's ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES). #MSWL
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Alexa Pastor
Senior Editor @ S&S BFYR. Proud No\V/a Nationer. Probably wearing polka dots and buying books I don’t have space for 🙃. Tweets are mine, not S&S :o) she/her
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries)
Instagram: @kristyshunter
**client and submission updates only**
17 Tips
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Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
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Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
I want nonfic that looks at the history of a geek/pop culture topic. #MSWLReplying to @msmariavicente
I want nonfic that blends feminism and pop culture. #MSWL
Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
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Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
Let's start with nonfiction. I love nonfic. Especially if it's geeky or feministy. (I'm making up words & I don't even care.) #MSWLReplying to @msmariavicente
I want nonfic that looks at the history of a geek/pop culture topic. #MSWL
Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips
Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips
Stephanie Stein
Senior Editor @HarperChildrens & @HarperTeen , she/her, 47% caffeine by volume. Opinions my own, and I do have a lot of them. 🌈
213 MSWL
34 AskAgent
Melissa Edwards
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @stonesongNYC . Lawyer. Lover of TV, movies, and books. Slow runner. Let Bartlet be Bartlet.
218 MSWL
10 Queries
58 Tips