My final reminder (today) that I'm seeking Amish inspirational romance for @LoveInspiredBks. More details: bit.ly/1VhtMyH #MSWL
I love a good reunion romance. One of my favorite tropes because lots of built-in conflict! Inspirational romance only, please. #MSWL
I'd love to see a black ops or spy hero in an inspirational romantic suspense. Action/adventure! #MSWL @LoveInspiredBks
Inspirational romance: suspense, historical, and contemporary. Bonus points if it's Amish. #MSWL harlequin.submittable.com/submit
Send me your inspirational Amish romance (that fits the @LoveInspiredBks guidelines), and it will fly to the top of my reading pile! #MSWL
I want to see inspirational romance with strong romantic conflicts and powerful emotions. Make me cry! #MSWL
I want your adult inspirational romance! Check out @LoveInspiredBks guidelines, no agent required. For more: bit.ly/1VhtMyH #MSWL
Inspirational historical romance 75k words: Westerns, Pirates, Mail Order Brides, Amish, Scottish Highlands. #MSWL
At the top of my #MSWL: contemporary inspirational Amish romance that fits the @LoveInspiredBks guidelines! bit.ly/1VhtMyH
Inspirational romantic suspense. Hero/heroine in danger. Edge of your seat read #MSWL
Literary Agent
Romance is always on my #MSWL. I’d love to find a sexy lumberjack and, opposite end of the spectrum, an inspirational Amish romance.
Literary Agent
Looking for romances with western settings,where the west is an essential element. Contemp, Historical, YA, Inspy. #MSWL
I'm most actively seeking inspirational historical romance (70k words) right now. Bonus: if it's set in Biltmore Village circa 1895 #MSWL
I'm looking for adult inspirational romance (category length). Contemporary, historical or suspense. #MSWL bit.ly/1VhtMyH
If you write inspirational romance, romantic suspense or historical romance, send it my way. #MSWL manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/emil…
Looking for inspirational historical romance 70k wds. Westerns, Amish, Americana #MSWL
Literary Agency
#MSWL Mystery, Suspense, Cozy Mystery, Amish Romance, Romantic Suspense, Historical Rom, Inspirational Rom blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
A #MSWL from Jessica Alvarez bookendsliterary.com/index.php/2016…