Ben Grange

Literary Agent

L. Perkins Agency

I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

Just a friendly reminder that LinkedIn is not the place to send me your query! I'll likely never see it if you send it there, and if I do, I'm not going to migrate it to my query pile. Please follow the guidelines! #querytip

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

It should go without saying that I will delete your query if I’m cc’d on with 80 other agents. #querytip

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip I am turned off by bad titles. Perhaps I shouldn't be, but a title is the essence of your book wrapped into a few words. If that essence isn't compelling, even if it's a placeholder title, I'm going to notice. Ask your beta readers what they think of your title.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

Hey btw I'm getting tons of queries with books that start with the MC waking up. Probably should rethink that part of your book if you want send it out. #querytip

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip Don't try to make me feel bad for not responding to you sooner. I won't initiate an agent/author relationship on a negative note.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip Don't address me as Ms. Grange. Don't really care for Mr. Grange, either, but that one is anatomically correct so what can I do?

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip Rework your query for plot holes. And if those plot holes have root in your novel, rework your novel.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip You don't need to label your hook paragraph "hook." Choose your words wisely! You only have a few to win me over.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip I love the personal touches you put in your emails. They make me smile.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip Don't give me an easy reason to say no. Typos. Grammar. Punctuation. Etc.

Ben Grange
Literary Agent
I develop books with authors. I create video games. Also I make Ice cream.
11 Tips

#querytip If you think your query is ready for submission take a look at this and then revise it a few more times.…