Erica Bauman

Literary Agent

Aevitas Creative Management

Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative, writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips
Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

I saw a lot of incredible queries in 2024, and my experiment of opening my inbox one week a month worked out well. I was able to stay on top of my inbox and meet my personal goal of getting my response times waaaaaay down. That said, I’m still going through Sept-Dec queries…

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

MG Genres I’m looking for: fantasy, contemporary, mystery, historical, horror, light/near-future sci-fi

YA: fantasy, contemporary, mystery, historical, horror, light sci-fi, romcom

Adult: light SFF, upmarket, horror, romcom

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Erica Bauman @Erica_Bauman

To start, at the moment I am only looking for MG, YA, and adult commercial and upmarket fiction. I’ll list the genres for each in the thread below. Unfortunately, I’m not the right person for adult literary fiction or nonfic, and (for now) I’m not actively looking for PBs.

Across the board (MG, YA, and adult), I’m drawn to:
-stories with a strong family element, whether that’s biological or found family
-protagonists who aren’t the best at whatever they do or The Chosen One, but who try really *really* hard, even when they screw up


Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Adult Rom-Coms. Something fun and funny would make me really ridiculously happy. #MSWL

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

15) Light Adult fantasy. Show that thinks don’t get less magical after childhood. Comps like Practical Magic, Garden Spells, and The Night Circus. #MSWL

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Erica Bauman @Erica_Bauman

I’m reopening to queries starting 1/2/18, so in anticipation I’m going to tweet out my #mswl...

Over all, I’d love to see more:
-high concept MG and YA
-commercial adult fiction
-#ownvoices stories
-MCs with strong, distinct voices
-comedy across the board
-stories that break my heart and then put it back together

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL A YA or Adult novel set in Renaissance Italy.

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL I'm a major mythology nut, so I'd love re-imagined/re-interpreted myths from any culture, for either YA or Adult

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips
Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL eerie + haunting #YA and #A horror, and funny #MG horror (I REALLY like scary stories).

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Extra awesome if your story is on my #MSWL and also: diverse, LGBTQ, gender swapped, or set in a non-European culture. #MG #YA #A

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

STEM, especially women in STEM fields. #MSWL #MG #YA #A

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Vivid, dreamy #MR (especially if it involves food!) #MSWL #MG #YA #A

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Would love some voice-driven, witty #A (like The Rosie Project or Where'd You Go, Bernadette). #MSWL #LF

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

I LOVE unconventional storytelling. Found footage, handbooks/guidebooks/textbooks, emails, tweets, etc. #MSWL #MG #YA #A

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Would also love some #A historical mysteries, especially if it has a kickass detective like Phryne Fisher. #MSWL #HF #M

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Continuing my obsession with The Mummy, would love #MG, #YA, or #A set on an archaeological dig (especially #HF)! #mswl