Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Aevitas Creative Management
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
Literary Agent
This really should go without saying, but querying me at my *personal* email address is not appropriate. #querytip
Literary Agent
Been digging into my query backlog and have been noticing some very basic mistakes writers are making. So putting together a #QueryTip thread. These are things every writer should know before they start querying, to put their best foot forward.
Literary Agent
Hey writers, you are welcome to re-query me with a new project or the same project *if you've made significant changes to the manuscript.* No need to reach out and ask permission first—just feel free to send it through the website form! #querytip
Literary Agent
Authors, your query should lay out the stakes driving the plot, not just the main character's backstory. #querytip
Literary Agent
Remember: while your book may be fun and imaginative, this is still a business and your letter should be appropriately professional. #querytip
Literary Agent
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT write your query letter in the POV of your MC. Just no. #querytip
Literary Agent
Also, comps help me see how much you understand your genre (and you should be familiar with the genre you’re writing in), so be thoughtful with the titles you select. #querytip
Literary Agent
Please please *please* use comps. Comps help me understand your intention with the story. You can list similar books, or use the “X meets Y” formula. If you think there’s nothing similar out there, you’re wrong. #querytip
Literary Agent
Have someone completely unfamiliar with your book read your query letter. If they understand the plot/concept, you’re good. #querytip.
Literary Agent
That said, don’t give me the *entire* plot. Just a teaser. Read some jacket copy or watch a movie trailer if you’re not sure what I’m talking about. #querytip
Literary Agent
If your query letter is only a few sentences, and none of those actually describe the plot, you’re doing it wrong. #querytip
Literary Agent
Erica Bauman @Erica_Bauman
Okay, in anticipation of opening up to submissions, I’m going to tweet out some #querytips. These may seem pretty basic, but you’d be surprised how often I see writers getting it wrong.First off: follow the guidelines. In my case, I ask that you submit through the website form. I don’t accept pitches over twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn (and yes, all 3 have happened). #querytip
Literary Agent
Hey writers, don't respond to a query rejection by sending your full manuscript. #querytip
Literary Agent
Dear Writers,
Comic Sans is NEVER a good idea.
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: writers, don't forget to sign your name at the bottom of your query.
Literary Agent
Lying about an offer of rep to get a faster response to a query? Not cool. #querytip