Erica Bauman

Literary Agent

Aevitas Creative Management

Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative, writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Right now, the largest % of queries I receive are for the fantasy genre. Which is great, I love fantasy, but I also want my list to be balanced. So I would *really* love to see more queries in other genres: romcom, horror, mystery, historical, magical realism, graphic novel, etc. #MSWL

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

MG Genres I’m looking for: fantasy, contemporary, mystery, historical, horror, light/near-future sci-fi

YA: fantasy, contemporary, mystery, historical, horror, light sci-fi, romcom

Adult: light SFF, upmarket, horror, romcom

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

I'd love to see more historical fiction in general. #MSWL

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Putting this obscure #MSWL want out into the universe, but if any querying writers are working on a Hist Fic about Florence Cook and the Crookes investigation, I would love to see it.…

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Specifically, I’d love to see more historical YA in a variety of time periods (especially the Roaring 20s). #mswl

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

I'd love more historical fiction set in any period after the Regency Era. #MSWL

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL Would LOVE a YA set in the 1920s with a female outlaw protag (like a flapper turned bootlegger).

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL YA Historical Fiction of any time period. Especially if they have a cool speculative element...

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips
Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Would also love some #A historical mysteries, especially if it has a kickass detective like Phryne Fisher. #MSWL #HF #M

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
162 MSWL
17 Tips

Continuing my obsession with The Mummy, would love #MG, #YA, or #A set on an archaeological dig (especially #HF)! #mswl