Natalie Lakosil
Literary Agent
Looking Glass Literary & Media
Literary Agent & Founder, Looking Glass Literary & Media, making my way through adventures in agent land. IG natalie_lakosil. She/her

Literary Agent
And, I am very much still actively building my adult nonfiction list! Looking for books with platform backed by experience/professionals in self help, business (women in business!), parenting, psychology, pop science, and mind/body/spirit

Literary Agent
funny picture books by queer, BIPOC, marginalized authors that have nothing to do with identity. Give me the next CREEPY UNDERWEAR or DON’T LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS or PENGUIN PROBLEMS or LLAMA DESTROYS THE UNIVERSE
illustrators and author-illustrators

Literary Agent
funny, heartfelt action-adventure featuring queer, BIPOC, marginalized voices, ideally with some magic or fantastical elements

Literary Agent
Natalie M. Lakosil @Natalie_Lakosil
I opened to queries today! Here's what I'm looking for! #MSWLYA: rom coms with a fresh, very commercial hook featuring queer, BIPOC, marginalized voices
dark, gothic, atmospheric horror
The MUMMY for teens

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
No joke! I'm open to queries again!
Open until June 30! Updated #mswl here:…
PB/CB/MG/YA/GN, fiction & nonfiction, and adult nonfiction

Literary Agent
There's a book in here I know it...! #mswl A ton of people received text messages overnight that were originally sent on Valentine’s Day… via @Verge

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Abby Spice @clapifyoulikeme
Wedding shaming blogs are a gift to us all. this kind of shenanigans in a book

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Katherine Harrison @KidlitKat
Dear writers: The world needs more amazing #middlegrade voices—maybe YOUR amazing mddle grade voice. Won't you kindly get on that? Sincerely, an editor of middle grade #amediting #amwriting #mswlContemporary or contemporary with touches of magic, please and thanks #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
And as far as diversity goes, I am particularly seeking new authors of color and indigenous authors. #MSWLWe are still actively seeking contemporary Native American narratives for MG & YA, novel and graphic novel. I'd also love more books about black girls/by black women.
Me too!! #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent