We've found 62 results.

Shari Maurer
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Stringer Literary and Local Group Lead for @MomsDemand Rockland County, NY. The best days include ice cream.

WRITERS! I'm open to queries through the holidays so if you have a finished YA/MG/PB/NF ms you're excited about and don't want to wait for the new year, send it over! #MSWL here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shar…

Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing
28 AskAgent
23 Tips

I love to be hit with the unexpected, like the first paragraph of the Murderbot series by Martha Wells

Need more Adult and MG.
Love NF too!
Being very picky with everything but especially YA, although I never say never!

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips

#mswl MG or YA NF on "lies" taught in schools (particularly interested in the Civil War, myself. Immigration also a good topic). In honor of James Loewen.

Dan Cramer
Literary Agent
Associate Lit Agent. I go by Dan. PB/MG/YA Please follow submission guidelines. Thanks 🏳️‍🌈 he/him A book can inspire a child. A child can inspire the world.
22 AskAgent
16 Tips
Haley Casey
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at CMA. Feminist. Interested in watching TV shows I've already seen and owning ALL books. All opinions are my own. (she/her)
1 Tips

There’s not room to hype all of the interesting and underrated YA NF out there, but I’m open to anything. Comps include AMERICANIZED: REBEL WITHOUT A GREEN CARD; THE BELOVED WORLD OF SONIA SOTOMAYOR; BONNIE AND CLYDE: THE MAKING OF A LEGEND; GIRL CODE; #NOTYOURPRINCESS; and SHOUT

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager: QueryManager.com/natascha bookshop.org/lists/teamnat
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

On the older side for nonfiction, I'd love nonfiction that was more than just what we currently have. I just read ATTACHED (so good) and I am thinking, wow if only I had read this as a kid. Where is the hip #YA NF that makes it cool to know about marketing, psychology, etc #MSWL

Stephanie Winter
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent specializing in nonfiction, graphic novels, and select fiction. She/Her. 🌈 @PSLiterary Work Updates Only.
40 AskAgent
1 Queries

Rounding off my #MSWL tweets today, in NF I’m looking for the following topical themes:
-eco-friendly lifestyle
-cultural criticism (e.g. gender, race, sexuality)
-YA books about the +/- effects of the beauty industry
-parenting, reproductive health, physical wellness

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager: QueryManager.com/natascha bookshop.org/lists/teamnat
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Actually a YA NF about wealth and economics and poverty and class in America would be GREAT #MSWL

Chip Rice
Literary Agent
Literary agent @WordLinkInc . Husband and father. Fan of undiscovered voices. Faith, sports, nature, coffee & conversation.

#MSWL A: Literary fiction and upmarket works in most genres. YA: Voice-driven contemporary, fantasy, or paranormal. NF: Platform-driven memoirs and Christian inspirational. #WritingCommunity

Roseanne Wells
Literary Agent
Lit agent at Lucinda Literary. Book-Dance-Food Nerd. The petite shall inherit the Earth. Pronouns: She/her 🏳️‍🌈 Opinions are my own.
2 Tips

-More nonfiction in MG and YA, esp science, art, history, etc. NF graphic novels are great here too.

-I'd love to see more mysteries, in MG, YA, and adult. I'm really into Veronica Speedwell and Veronica Mars.

-More intergenerational stories in MG, YA, and SFF. #MSWL

Jordan Hamessley
Literary Agent
Musical theater nerd. - she/her/hers -
2 Tips

I’m also really hungry for science and math non-fiction in middle grade and YA. My picture book list is really strong in NF these days and I want older kids to be inspired by math and science, too! #mswl

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager: QueryManager.com/natascha bookshop.org/lists/teamnat
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

#MSWL this gonna be weird but is anyone working on a narrative NF book about poisons that weren't used for poisons? Like the poison dresses?

I have a weird fascination those time of things. #mg #ya only

Cheryl B. Klein
Editorial director, Algonquin Young Readers; author of THE MAGIC WORDS, HAMSTERS MAKE TERRIBLE ROOMMATES, & more; toddler mom. Opinions my own. She/her. #BLM
3 Tips

carlydraws @carlydraws

@chavelaque What subject would you like to see more books about?

A PB on the Atlanta washerwoman’s strike, or Pullman porters, or the Chicano rights movement; MG novels starring boys of color doing sports; MG or YA NF on topics of POC history #mswl

Shaina Olmanson
Editor(ial director) @ Lerner Books, YA nonfiction. Previously: author, recipe developer, photographer. Books and food. she/her

#MSWL: I’m acquiring YA nonfiction. Looking for #NF on topical, relevant themes for teens that work for both report writing and pleasure reading.

Books in the vein of: The Dozier School for Boys by Elizabeth A. Murray, You Do You by Sarah Mirk, and Body 2.0 by Sara Latta.

Janine Le
Literary Agent
Founder & Agent at Janine Le Literary Agency. She/Her. Header © Leanne Hatch

MG or YA NF from a scientist, doctor, engineer, etc. translating all your coolest research into something that will give young readers a leg up on saving our ship and assure them there are adults fighting the good fight right now #MSWL

Ariana Philips
Literary Agent

#MSWL Smart and sexy rom-coms (I want to laugh and fall in love!), epic family dramas, gritty and contemporary YA, true crime that reads like a suspense novel, anything food related (f and nf), pop science and history

Emmanuelle Morgen
Literary Agent
Literary agent @StonesongNYC . On the board of @BikeHudsonCo , @BikeHoboken & @Hoboken_FBW (she/her)
9 Queries
2 Tips

For #mswl day, here are my true loves: #SFF (adult and #YA), #ownvoices #nf #mg, #pb, #history and #science for kids, or...surprise me. Thank you for building #mswl , @jsinsheim

Bibi Lewis
Literary Agent
Agent at the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. Lifelong New Yorker and forever bookworm. she/her
10 Tips

In kidlit more broadly (PB-YA) I am on the hunt for more NF that teaches and inspires in a fun accessible way. I lean towards non-fiction that focuses on a specific event or person, that really digs in to give us a clear picture as opposed to broad themes #MSWL

Alyssa Eisner Henkin
Literary Agent
Founder and Literary Agent, Birch Path Literary

Happy #MSWL day! I just watched ALWAYS BE MY MAYBE on Netflix and would love to see a fun foodie #YA #ms like that which delivers big on ethnic flavors amidst a fun #RomCom setting. I’d also love to see more #NF or graphic NF aimed at middle graders!

Tracy Marchini
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at @BookEndsLit Jr. | Author CHICKEN WANTS A NAP & PRINCESSES CAN FIX IT! | she/her 🖤🤍💜 demi | Join the Quacktory! bit.ly/1DfU0Wk
147 MSWL
144 AskAgent
13 Tips

Hadas Gold @Hadas_Gold

Alan Turing never got a NYT obituary until now: nyti.ms/2WcwjNf

#mswl nf for mg or ya - his life, his work during ww2, an honest look at his death and the repercussions of anti-homosexuality laws, and how Turing's work still influences compsci today.