Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Howland Literary
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her

Literary Agent
I receive the next most horror and literary fiction submissions. Keep these coming, please. I receive a ton of sci-fi submissions, but I am looking for no hard sci-fi, & I get so. many. hard sci-fi queries.

Literary Agent
Katherine Harrison @KidlitKat
This post reminds me that I need one of you YA authors to write a creepy gothic retelling of the story of green ribbon girl. Maybe a graphic novel?!? #mswl…Echoing this #MSWL (which you probably could've guessed from looking at my Twitter header). A YA retelling of "The Green Ribbon"? Please send it my way!

Literary Agent
Alechia says get SAVING RUBY KING! @alechiawrites
Please tell me the most delicious, sweetest, foodtastic (I mean food on every page if possible) YA stories out there. I want to believe I wrote a really great one that you'll love and fingers crossed that'll get out in the world, but I would love to read some right now!!I just saved a lot of these recs to my to-read list. & also, please send me your foodtastic books (MG, YA, & adult)! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Eric Smith @ericsmithrocks
Pop punk and emo bands that could easily be the title of a Young Adult novel:🏃♂️ The Get Up Kids
⏳ A Day to Remember
❄️ Further Seems Forever
🚀 The Rocket Summer
✨ Straylight Run
🍂 Hidden In Plain View
💫 Count the Stars
😭 Dashboard Confessional
👑 We the Kings
Or their songs. Good grief #MSWL: “The Moon Is Down,” “New Year’s Project,” “Just Until Sundown,” “Again I Go Unnoticed,” “The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most”!!!!!
(Maybe they’re YA - or maybe they’re for us 30-something punk kids who wore Mary Janes & too much eyeliner.)

Literary Agent
🧼 Lauren Spieller 🖐 @laurenspieller
I’d love to see more non-white thriller and suspense writers in my inbox! #mswlSecond this. I consume domestic thrillers on audio like candy. I love them, but the subgenre is overwhelmingly white. I’d love to see queries from non-white authors of twisty domestic thrillers. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Erin Clyburn @erin_clyburn
Today I learned all about Lena Richard, a New Orleanian & the first Black woman to host her own cooking show (also a chef, restaurateur, entrepreneur, & cookbook author). My dad’s family has been in New Orleans since the 1800s, & I’d never heard of Lena. 1/2
Literary Agent
Morning, y'all! An update to my #MSWL:
I'm no longer accepting queries for picture books or chapter books. I'm going to focus on MG, YA, & adult fic & nonfic. Check out my fresh new list & see if we might be a match.
#writingcommunity #amquerying…

Literary Agent
Since I feel like my agent resources are scattered all over—my agency page, MSWL, here, etc.—I thought I'd create a website that I can easily update with things like conference appearances & bragging on client news.
Check it out!

Literary Agent
V specific #MSWL: I'm obsessed with bizarre feats of strength & stories of athleticism (Free Solo, The Barkley Marathons); I would read a novel based on this @runnersworld story. The relationship drama!! Or narrative nonfic about anything like this.…

Literary Agent
Do any '90s kids remember @NealShusterman's MINDSTORMS books? They were a Scholastic Book Fair purchase. Twilight Zone for kids, basically; stories like a kid on a plane trying to outrun the sunrise as the sun goes nova ENTHRALLED 6th grade me. What I'm saying is #MSWL.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Erin Clyburn @erin_clyburn
The boyfriend & I have gone down a YouTube rabbit hole of Fountains of Wayne videos that segued into Mazzy Star & then REM vids & now we are weeping.On that note, I am very much not a fan of romance or mushy books, but if someone could write an angsty, romantic YA that captures the swoony ‘90s energy of “Fade Into You” by Mazzy Star, well... that person should send it to me. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Stephanie Stein @stephlystein
Would love a killer middle grade mystery.* Spooky/supernatural, cozy, and Westing Game puzzle-style varieties all encouraged. #mswl*no actual murder required
I've been dying for this ever since I became an agent. It's on my permanent #MSWL, but doesn't hurt to reiterate it here! Send me your comps to THE WESTING GAME, GREENGLASS HOUSE, & THE PARKER INHERITANCE!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Kristin Temple 🎈 @_kristintemple
Great list! I want it to be about 10x longer tho 😩*makes a blood sacrifice in hopes of having an inbox full of queer horror submissions*…
& if you’re looking for an agent for that queer horror... *points at self* #MSWL

Literary Agent
Oh, hello! At long last, my #MSWL page is up! I will try to keep this as up to date as possible. (I also regularly tweet things I'm looking for here.) Check it out:…
#amagenting #amquerying #WritingCommunity

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm hungry for middle grade. I would also love more literary YA. & I would love an adult memoir/nonfic with an amazing hook (think MY BRAIN ON FIRE, EDUCATED, or FULL BODY BURDEN, not that summer you spent nannying in Europe [I'm sorry but I see so many queries like this]). #MSWL