Lauren Spieller

Literary Agent

Triada US Literary Agency

Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

Lauren [closed to queries in August] @laurenspieller

that might not seem like a ton, but when you consider how many genres I represent across multiple age categories, it is a LOT

When I open to queries again in September, I hope to continue receiving YA Fantasy (because I love it) but I also hope I see more

☻ Middle Grade Fantasy
☻ YA Contemporary
☻ Adult SFF
☻ Adult Psych Thrillers


Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

I also want an Adult Fantasy reminiscent of THE CITY OF BRASS--smart, beautiful writing with a great plot that *moves*. #mswl

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

I'm also looking for BIG WORLDS in SFF. Something commercial and swashbuckling and fun as hell. I want a ROMP. #mswl

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

I'm also looking for upmarket YA Fantasy. I'm a sucker for thoughtful and elegant prose, and deep (not wide) worldbuilding that feels effortless despite it's intricacies. Contemp fantasy, second world fantasy, whatever--it's all great, as long as it sweeps me away. #mswl

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
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91 Tips
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
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91 Tips

Someone please write me an Adult SFF about a mother motivated by ambition, love, and fury. #mswl

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
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91 Tips
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

I am craving a gorgeous revenge fantasy in YA or Adult. #MSWL

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

BIG #MSWL for Crossover/Adult SFF

I'm looking for a book that engages with the abuses perpetrated against indigenous people, in particular women, and the colonizer's legacy of violence and oppression.

Please spread the word. I need this book. The world needs this book.

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

I would love to see more SFF MG and contemporary YA in my inbox. #MSWL

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
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91 Tips

I'd like a MG Fantasy that features lesser-known creatures of myth and legend (be that because they don't figure as prominently in mythology, or because they are from traditions ignored by the European-centric literary canon). #mswl

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

There are so many things about Black Panther that I loved, but one of my favorites was the depth of the worldbuilding, and how we saw what life was like without the influence of colonization. I would love to see a SFF project that grapples with similar questions. #MSWL

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

Saturday Evening Thoughts

I would really love to find an exciting, middle grade adventure/ fantasy set somewhere other than the US or Europe.

Great example: THE SERPENT'S SECRET by @Sayantani16


Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

Now that it's out in the world, I can officially say:

Fantasies like THE HAZEL WOOD by @mimi_albert are on my forever and ever #MSWL.

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
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91 Tips

#MSWL: I'd love to find a YA Historical Fantasy with the kind of incredible voice and expert worldbuilding found in @jessica_shea's remarkable BORN WICKED/Cahill Witch Chronicles.

Also, if you haven't read those books, you. are. missing. out.…

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
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91 Tips
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

Writers, this is my forever #MSWL-- I'd like to read a mystery or a thriller set in a SFF world. I love genre-bending spec fic!