Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Saba Sulaiman @agentsaba
main character unknowingly makes a mistake ★★★★★main character is fully aware of the extent of the shitstorm that will ensue from making this undoubtedly poor decision but plunges headfirst because feelings! convictions! foresight is overrated! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Yessss this is also a thing that I enjoy. Send me your messy, feelingsy characters who can't resist blowing up their own lives so that I can love them. 💥🤗 #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
For queriers: I've just updated my #mswl profile with more detail than ever before! (Seriously, SO much detail.) Look over here:…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Preeti Chhibber @runwithskizzers
There's *so* much history we can take advantage of for YA. Victims of colonization going after the British Empire??? Like, subvert the colonial English genre! Imagine The Little Princess or The Jungle Book but instead of quaint British stories, they're tales of anger & revenge!!Yes! I would LOVE to see this. #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Patrice Caldwell @whimsicallyours
Seeing several writers talking about their fear that their queer girl books won’t sell and how that’s stopping them. Please write these stories, find agents, etc. who will champion them. I certainly want to see them and I know SO MANY other editors who do as well. Please 💕🙏🏾Queer girl books are always on my #mswl! Send 'em over here.

Literary Agent
Twitter, I am obsessed with this Taylor Swift cover & I want some sort of girl gang YA novel w/ this vibe. Send me your unapologetically scheming heroines, writers. #mswl…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Heartfelt, diverse middle grade. ALL OF IT. #mswlAnd always, in all genres I represent: marginalized and underrepresented voices, you are WANTED and WELCOMED in my query inbox. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
@Kelly_J_Ford The weirdest YA or MG you have -- I love beautiful, literary writing paired with the strange, the eeire, the offbeat, the surprising. #mswlHeartfelt, diverse middle grade. ALL OF IT. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
LGBTQ YA/MG/adult fiction with a strong hook & a compelling, page-turning plot (like my client @Kelly_J_Ford's COTTONMOUTHS!) #mswlThe weirdest YA or MG you have -- I love beautiful, literary writing paired with the strange, the eeire, the offbeat, the surprising. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
YA/MG/WF that has something true to say about friendship -- either friend break-ups OR true ride-or-die friends a la Emery Lord's bks. #mswlLGBTQ YA/MG/adult fiction with a strong hook & a compelling, page-turning plot (like my client @Kelly_J_Ford's COTTONMOUTHS!) #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Unapologetically feminist YA/MG w/ protagonists that care abt social justice & strive to make a difference in their communities/world. #mswlYA/MG/WF that has something true to say about friendship -- either friend break-ups OR true ride-or-die friends a la Emery Lord's bks. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Anything with an incredibly strong sense of place, esp (but not limited to) stories set in Michigan/the Midwest, California, or Texas. #mswlUnapologetically feminist YA/MG w/ protagonists that care abt social justice & strive to make a difference in their communities/world. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Upmarket/literary fiction with speculative or magical realist elements. If you can comp to STATION ELEVEN, I want it. #mswlAnything with an incredibly strong sense of place, esp (but not limited to) stories set in Michigan/the Midwest, California, or Texas. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
It's #mswl day & I'm open to queries! My broader wishlist is still true (…) + here are some specific current wants:Upmarket/literary fiction with speculative or magical realist elements. If you can comp to STATION ELEVEN, I want it. #mswl

Literary Agent
Hey, Twitter: as of today, I've officially reopened to queries! Find my #mswl here:… & here:…