Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.

Literary Agent
For queriers: I've just updated my #mswl profile with more detail than ever before! (Seriously, SO much detail.) Look over here:…

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
@Kelly_J_Ford The weirdest YA or MG you have -- I love beautiful, literary writing paired with the strange, the eeire, the offbeat, the surprising. #mswlHeartfelt, diverse middle grade. ALL OF IT. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Atmospheric YA with a vivid, specific sense of place, either contemp (a la AMERICAN GIRLS) or contemp fantasy (a la THE RAVEN BOYS) #mswlDiverse #ownvoices MG that makes me laugh or cry #mswl

Literary Agent
Jennifer Ung @JenPanda
my perennial #mswl: funny, sad, and emotionally true contemporary YA starring POC protagonists, written by #ownvoicesAnd (last one, I swear last one) I want this too!! #mswl…

Literary Agent
Alyssa!!! Cole @AlyssaColeLit
I wrote a thing. About the economic impact of the lack of diversity in romance publishing. So, yeah. -->…Important read. Also: saying again that I'm actively looking for diverse romances (contemporary & historical). #MSWL…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama
What We Aren’t Talking About When We Talk About Feminism in YA…Wow, so many #MSWL items here: girl friendships, girls in STEM, f/f romance, intersectional diversity. Yes, please!…