Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
I want historical WF w/ big story--maybe loosely based on an underdiscussed real person from history? Show me the past in a new light. #mswlAnd last (perpetual #mswl), send me LGBTQ bks w plots NOT centered on homophobia/coming out. Queer folks as protags of all kinds of stories!

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Still looking for the perfect magical realist MG to add to my list -- heartfelt and cozy, w/ magic woven into the real world. #mswlI want historical WF w/ big story--maybe loosely based on an underdiscussed real person from history? Show me the past in a new light. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
I would love to see more #ownvoices YA SFF w/ intricate worldbuilding & brave heroines that take bold action to change their world. #mswlStill looking for the perfect magical realist MG to add to my list -- heartfelt and cozy, w/ magic woven into the real world. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Hungry for YA contemporary with a strong, jump-off-the-page voice & a fresh perspective that makes me cry or laugh out loud. Or both! #mswlI would love to see more #ownvoices YA SFF w/ intricate worldbuilding & brave heroines that take bold action to change their world. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
I think this Monday morning is a great time for some #mswl tweets, yes? Here's what I'm dying to see turn up in my inbox right now:Hungry for YA contemporary with a strong, jump-off-the-page voice & a fresh perspective that makes me cry or laugh out loud. Or both! #mswl

Literary Agent
Faye Griffin @HappyGriffin06
Agentopia Interview up at @YAtopia_blog with @patricianels!
Another new interview! @YAtopia_blog asked me some ?s re: my #mswl for YA (I got very specific) & why I Google authors before offering rep.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
🎄manda B🎁wer @heyprofbow
The problem w/ this Pence/meal thing is that it suggests that every interaction w/ a woman is potentially a sexual thing.Thread. Also, I'd love to see more books where women &men are friends, just friends, w/o a romance subplot. Let's undermine this myth. #mswl

Literary Agent
Women Writers @WomenWriters
Q and A with literary agent @patricianels !… @MMFinckNew interview: in which I talk to @WomenWriters about queries, first pages, genre categories, my #mswl, the agent-author relationship &more!

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Contemporary women's fiction with a big hook, propulsive plot & book club appeal (a la BIG LITTLE LIES) #mswlContemporary YA that #resists (in a non-didactic way), w/ chars who care abt politics, feminism, racial justice, immigrant rights, etc #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Diverse #ownvoices MG that makes me laugh or cry #mswlContemporary women's fiction with a big hook, propulsive plot & book club appeal (a la BIG LITTLE LIES) #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Atmospheric YA with a vivid, specific sense of place, either contemp (a la AMERICAN GIRLS) or contemp fantasy (a la THE RAVEN BOYS) #mswlDiverse #ownvoices MG that makes me laugh or cry #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Heyyyy, #mswl day! I'll share just a few things I'd love to see right now:Atmospheric YA with a vivid, specific sense of place, either contemp (a la AMERICAN GIRLS) or contemp fantasy (a la THE RAVEN BOYS) #mswl

Literary Agent
KellyJFord @Kelly_J_Ford
Send your best and bravest work to my wonderful agent! #lgbtq and #ownvoices, you are welcome here!…Yes! This is very true!! I *always* want your #ownvoices and #lgbtq novels. #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Book Riot @BookRiot
Happy Ada Lovelace day! To celebrate the world's first computer programmer, read these books:
Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Happy #mswl day--I still want all the same things as always! Find my wishlist here:… & here:…