Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.

Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
What does it mean when an editor or agent says ~I just didn't fall in love with it~~ in a rejection?…
#amwriting #amquerying #literaryagent #WritingCommunity
Writers, this is a really great explanation of the "I just didn't fall in love" pass on submissions. A "no" doesn't mean you did something wrong or your book is bad... it just means it wasn't exactly right for that particular agent or editor. #querytip

Literary Agent
Tricia Skinner @4triciaskinner
#querytip: If your query reads like soundbites from movie trailers, you're doing it wrong. While a "non-stop thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat & leaving you gasping for more" may work for the @Avengers, it doesn't make me want to read your mss.This is such a good #querytip! Trying to create your own hype like this tends to ring false. Just tell us about the story -- a compelling premise will speak for itself.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Barlow Adams @BarlowAdams
My weirdest rejection was when I was shopping a novella I wrote and this small press run by two joint-publishers requested a full MS, and disagreed so passionately about whether to pick it up that the two split and the press disbanded. My bad writing ended a literary marriage.Amazing/hilarious example of "publishing is a subjective business." (I know that may sometimes sound like BS agent-speak, but you guys, IT'S TRUE.) #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Writers, starting a novel w/ a descrip of weather is almost never the strongest choice. Open w/ a sentence that could only begin YOUR book.You'd be shocked how many sample pages open w/ a sentence (or paragraph!) abt the sky/wind/clouds/sun/etc! Edit it out. #writetip #querytip

Literary Agent
When you're writing second world fantasy, it's really easy to fall into the trap of overwhelming the reader with info/names.Thread! Great explanation of a very common problem in YA fantasy first pages. #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama
Gonna share this opinion but tell you I'm super not here to argue about it:Don't query your stuff as NA. Go up, go down, or self-pub.
Co-signed from the agent side. This is advice you want to listen to. #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent