Patricia Nelson
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, representing YA & MG fiction (all genres), women's fiction & romance. She/her.

Literary Agent
For queriers: I've just updated my #mswl profile with more detail than ever before! (Seriously, SO much detail.) Look over here:…

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Unapologetically feminist YA/MG w/ protagonists that care abt social justice & strive to make a difference in their communities/world. #mswlYA/MG/WF that has something true to say about friendship -- either friend break-ups OR true ride-or-die friends a la Emery Lord's bks. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Still looking for the perfect magical realist MG to add to my list -- heartfelt and cozy, w/ magic woven into the real world. #mswlI want historical WF w/ big story--maybe loosely based on an underdiscussed real person from history? Show me the past in a new light. #mswl

Literary Agent
Patricia Nelson @patricianels
Diverse #ownvoices MG that makes me laugh or cry #mswlContemporary women's fiction with a big hook, propulsive plot & book club appeal (a la BIG LITTLE LIES) #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent