Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Agent @belcastr. insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147

Literary Agent
Callie Beusman @cal_beu
one time I went to a support group for UFO abductees, just to see … there was one guy no one believed .. everyone else would be like “these blue men came for me” and the room would be like “so true bestie” but when that one guy said it they’d all roll their eyesLegit, I've been asking for an adult murder mystery romance JUST LIKE THIS for three years now #mswl

Literary Agent
YA Graphic Novel
really looking more to contemporary side of things; I have a ton of Fantasy and want to branch out
Slice of life storylines
LGBTQ+ romance/friendships
Scavenger/treasure hunts
Historical 100%
#querytip #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
For YA, I'm more turning to Historical, Contemporary, and Contemporary Romance. Super selective on Fantasy and Paranormal right now, though would still love to see concepts on witches or ghosts (and vamps if unique!)
#querytip #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
GN - all genres but especially horror, dark fantasy, or LGBTQ+
Novels - romance, contemporary, historical, and MAYBE fantasy. Super picky there. Really want horror like Babadook or Midnight Mass or Haunting of Hill House
#amagenting #mswl

Literary Agent
Please don't forget those lovely poly romances! I'd love to see more in my box similar to @ZREllor's upcoming SILK FIRE or @MegLaTorre's The Cyborg Tinkerer! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Vicky @romancingread
Throwing this interesting history factoid out there, for anyone who would like to write me an f/f blacksmith romance:In 1851 14 girls were employed as apprentice blacksmiths in England and Wales.*
*That’s in contrast to 15,066 boys. Stats from the census. pic.twitter.com/5uIGIl9V0E
Y'all, I would DIE for this. Please please please write it #MSWL

Literary Agent
Becca Podos @RebeccaPodos
Who’s going to write and query me an historical f/f or f/nb romance? I want the hopeful, penniless spinster to swoon at the dusty riding boots of the embittered, lonely duchesse #MSWL(If you’ve got one, btw, you don’t have to wait for my QM to reopen. I want it 👀)
And who's going to let me bath or @RebeccaPodos for this??? #mswl

Literary Agent
In Adult, my main focus will be historical, contemporary romance, and select fantasy/paranormal. Adult is a harder sell for me, so it HAS to really be unique, new, and with strong voice/conflict
#amagenting #querytip #amquerying

Literary Agent
Updated my #MSWL! Be sure to take a look for 2020, when I open back up to queries! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kait…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I wanna touch on contemporary romance real quick. I love cute awkwardness. I want gut-wrenching love (think Just One Day by @gayleforman). I need LGBTQ+ that isn't just "coming out" or "issue-driven". If you give me Andy Anderson, I'll love you forever #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL #querytip adult erotic romance like Dangerous Beauty imdb.com/title/tt011889…