Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Agent @belcastr. insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147

Literary Agent
Angie Manfredi @misskubelik
PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU FOR MORE MIDDLE GRADE SPORTS BOOKS WITH GIRLS PLAYING SPORTS. I'm begging here. WNBA! SOFTBALL! VOLLEYBALL! This is a huge untapped market. We got a bunch of soccer books for a bit, a few gymnastics but. There's room for so much more.Totally down for a Bend It Like Beckham that isn't soccer and is actually queer lol #mswl #amagenting

Literary Agent
michael gray @graybulla
listen. obvs im glad for any and all queer & trans books, but ya NEEDS to start showing up for trans femme stories and writers the way it has (recently started to) for trans masc stories and writersHave been thinking a lot about this lately. The majority of trans books I get are trans masc and I've honestly been dying to find more trans femme.
Please send! We need your voices! #mswl

Literary Agent
Trisha de Guzman @trishadeg
MIDDLE GRADE:--Queer coming of age with strong friendships and maybe first love
--High-spirited adventures, realistic OR fantasy
--Realistic fiction about a character dealing with mental health difficulties and finding a light at the end of the tunnel
Seriously, writers, dying for this queer coming of age #mswl #amquerying #querytip

Literary Agent
YA Graphic Novel
really looking more to contemporary side of things; I have a ton of Fantasy and want to branch out
Slice of life storylines
LGBTQ+ romance/friendships
Scavenger/treasure hunts
Historical 100%
#querytip #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
YA Contemporary where the protagonist is BI or ACE. Super want more visibility in this LGBTQ+ area
Would love rivals-to-lovers
Family elements (like family business, remarrying, stepsiblings, adoption, etc.)
#querytip #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @RedPenKaitlyn
OK! I am officially caught up in my inbox. If I haven't answered/requested from you yet, you're in my Maybe pile and I'm reviewing you again.I will be opening to queries again on MONDAY!
So, here is my shiny MSWL for 2022
#amagenting #querytip #amquerying #writingcommunity
Dying for more upper MG. This includes fiction and graphic novel, so please send my way!
Family dynamics (found or by blood)
First crushes
Friend breakups
Mental Health
Mainly wanting Fantasy genres, Contemporary, and Historical
#querytip #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
GN - all genres but especially horror, dark fantasy, or LGBTQ+
Novels - romance, contemporary, historical, and MAYBE fantasy. Super picky there. Really want horror like Babadook or Midnight Mass or Haunting of Hill House
#amagenting #mswl

Literary Agent
again, I am dying for more LGBTQ+ and historical; would love contemporary, fantasy, and horror here, too
Think outside the box. For YA, it needs to be something that totally immerses me in the characters or the world or the emotions
#amagenting #mswl

Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson - Closed to Queries @RedPenKaitlyn
Hey all! I am planning to re-open to queries on OCTOBER 20! In honor of that, here is a #MSWL thread of what I'll be looking for: pic.twitter.com/tXMSZskZ3LMG Graphic Novels
I want ALL THE MG GN! Looking for slice of life, LGBTQ+ characters and first crushes, kids who can lean on each other and don't run to parents to solve problems.
All genres welcome here #amagenting #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Becca Podos @RebeccaPodos
Who’s going to write and query me an historical f/f or f/nb romance? I want the hopeful, penniless spinster to swoon at the dusty riding boots of the embittered, lonely duchesse #MSWL(If you’ve got one, btw, you don’t have to wait for my QM to reopen. I want it 👀)
And who's going to let me bath or @RebeccaPodos for this??? #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I've noticed some things I always fall for:
Wine shops/wineries
HIlariously awkward gay boys
Historical where they brush fingers and is a MOOD
MG where girls like ghosts and frogs and deep convos
Flying ships
Nerdy yet awe-inspiring talents
#amquerying #querytip

Literary Agent
I would LOVE an LGBTQ+ rom com where they just ARE. They love, they fight, they live.
Give me POC who don't have to justify themselves constantly. They can have their own plot and action and agency and not answer to others.
#amagenting #amquerying #querytip

Literary Agent
I REALLY love LGBTQ+ historical or MG first crushes kind of vibe. Always looking to build my list and want more Ace, Trans, and Nonbinary voices
#amquerying #amagenting #querytip

Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson - closed to Queries @RedPenKaitlyn
It's almost time!!! Given how I'll be opening my query box again in November, here's my new and improved #MSWL 😆 #amagenting #querytip #amquerying pic.twitter.com/nbD7rKjsClIn YA & MG, I really want historical, paranormal, contemporary, fantasy (of all kinds!), and non-graphic horror
Keep in mind, I'm super on the hunt for LGBTQ+, diverse voices, and new settings/events/creatures that aren't mainstream
#querytip #amquerying #amagenting

Literary Agent
Zabé/Z.R. Ellor @ZREllor
#MSWL Super-commercial MG w/ a queer protagonistI second this!!! #mswl

Literary Agent
Emery Lee Semi-Hiatus @EmeryLeeWho
It's been brought to my attention in a sort of roundabout way that people aren't interested in queer books, esp QPoC books, that don't center trauma.Can y'all do me a favor & RT this if you'd love to read some books about queer people with little to no trauma in them?
My main Qpoc (and all lgbtq) ask is for them just BEING PEOPLE and having a life. Please send me these rather than trauma porn #mswl